Chapter 6 | Harlow

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My phone didn't have a password and when he took it, his brows furrowed in confusion on seeing it then he continued to dial a number and a moment later his phone rang.

He hung up and handed the phone back to me. "There."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

All of a sudden, he leaned closer making my breath hitch. And spoke in a low voice, "I am choosing to ignore why you have my pictures as your wallpaper. For now."

Oh, fuck.

"So..." He drawled. "Wanna explain it right now or should I give you some time to come up with a valid reason?"

I was speechless. My mind just went blank. What the hell should I tell him? That I am in love with him for the past three years? That will surely make him laugh at me.

Heat crawled up my neck and the tip of my ears burnt with embarrassment.

The only thing I could think of was to just run away from his scrutinizing gaze which seemed to burn through my soul.

So, I made an effort to move sideways but he seemed to understand my intentions as his hands shot up and he placed it on the either side of my head, trapping me between him and the door.

I held back my breath when he moved his face closer to me, tilting it slightly. For the first time in my life, I had such a long eye contact with him, his beautiful gray eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement.

When he leaned in even closer, my eyes fluttered closed on their own, my heart pounding in my chest. And his hot breath fanning my lips.

No, he won't kiss me. Never. He has a girlfriend.

I wanted to kiss him. Yes. But not like this.

For the briefest of moment, his lips slightly touched mine. Almost. As if they touched and not touched at the same time. And then he pulled back making me open my eyes.

His lips twisted up into a smirk. "That's what I thought." He whispered to himself but loud enough for me to hear. And then he just walked upstairs and I stood there frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened.


I was the first one to wake up, one of the reasons being that I was excited to work at the cafe.

Sorin was in a deep sleep, laying with his back towards me so I did my morning routine as quietly as possible not wanting to disturb his sleep.

He works hard all day, he needs to well to rest his body 'cause he is a little bit of workaholic. Being a stalker that I am, I knew that.

After I was ready, I went downstairs but as I was about to reach down, I heard some noises coming from the kitchen.

What the fuck?

There's no one in this house beside us.

Is there a thief?

Oh God. Should I wake Sorin up? He will know how to deal with all this but what if I am just imagining things and there is no one there, then he will be furious with me.

I can do this...

With slow, cautious steps I walked towards the kitchen when a woman's back came into my view. She was cooking something.

What kind of a thief breaks into someone's house and cooks?

And she seemed to be humming as she lightly swayed her hips, wearing a black sundress.

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