Chapter 25 | Old Times

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"My dear, Drea,
I really hope that you are the one finding this letter somewhere in the future. Adrian is a hot headed fool, I don't know what he will do.
Drea, my little bundle of sunshine, my courage; I really wish I had more time with you, wish I could see you grow up beautifully, wish I could be there for you, to take care of you.
I love you. And I will always do, remember that; you are my little ball of sunshine. There's a lot of things I want to tell you, a lot but I don't have much time. I know that. I can feel it. My health's been declining for some time and I don't have much time.
There's something you should know, the reason behind my declining health is Vivian. Your mother. I wanted our marriage to work, I was ready to give her the whole world but she didn't want that, she only wanted my wealth and she did all she could to ensure that.
All my wealth goes to you and Adrian. No one else. I didn't have the time to write down my will for I didn't know I would be leaving so soon.
I had my doubts about Vivian, doubts that she was tampering with my drinks for the past some time and today, they all came true when I unknowingly drank the coffee she just served me ten minutes ago. She forgot to remove the traces of the poison on the side of the mug and being well versed in all this, I know what it is and how long I exactly have. I know I am stupid, I should call the police and go the hospital but I would rather spend this time writing this letter and hiding it in your nursery with the hope of you finding it years later.
I hope David would get you away from her, maybe adopt you but he doesn't know about you yet. So, all I can really hope is for Adrian to find you and keep you safe.
I know you are going to grow into a very strong woman and remember that I loved you very much and tell this to Adrian that even though he is angry with me for marrying Vivian, I am sorry and I love him a lot too.
I love you both.

~Emerson Grant."

The paper fell from Drea's trembling fingers and her knees buckled only for Sorin to wrap his hand around her shoulder to steady her.

Tears blurred her vision and she looked up at Sorin who had a pained expression on his face. He might have been a kid but he still loved his uncle.

She sobbed. "W-what--"

"Shh..." Sorin silenced her and bending down, picked up the letter for her and slipped it inside her book. "We need to get out of here first. We will discuss this once we reach home. Not here. Not now."

Her lips wobbled, tears spilling out of her eyes and he wiped them away as she nodded.

Wrapping his arm around her waist he steadied her and they walked out of her room and down the stairs.

Just as they reached the door, the shrill voice of her mother reached them. "You are leaving so early, why don't you have lunch?"

Sorin gritted his teeth. Fucking murdress. He thought and turned around to face her.

"I would rather have lunch with my wife. Alone. Thank you." And forcing a tight smile, he went away from there with Drea at his side.

Having driven away from that house, he parked the car at the side of the road, his head falling forwards to rest on the steering wheel. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

He felt a touch on his hand that gripped the steering wheel tightly. Lifting his head, he saw Drea looking at him through the tears, trying to hold them back.

"D-do you...think... it's true...?" Her voice shook.

He picked up the book instead and took out the letter and pointed at the end of it. "He signed it. If we can find some old papers of his which he must have signed then we can have evidence." He ruminated for a moment and said, "Dad must have something."

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