Chapter 4 | Proud

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Since I was all alone and had nothing to do, I decided to roam around the house hoping to find some interesting thing to pass my time.

The ground floor consisted of the living room and kitchen and a gym. In the gym...I found two-three photo frames...I mean it was an unusual place to hang your pictures.

One of the pictures looked quite old since it was Sorin's picture when he was a kid. I guess around three as he stared at the camera, a wide toothy grin plastered on his face. He wore a dark blue shirt and jeans and seemed to be in a garden. I was busy admiring how cute he was that I didn't notice that there was another person in the picture. A boy older than him, maybe around eight who stood beside Sorin, his hand resting over his shoulder.

Something was oddly familiar about those blue eyes and he had a soft, sweet smile playing on his lips as he posed for the picture wearing matching shirt and jeans as Sorin except he had a cap on his head.

Is he his brother?

But he doesn't have any siblings...

A cousin maybe...

Whoever he was and whatever relation they shared, they looked adorable and close to each other.

I looked at the other picture and my heart clenched. It was Sorin and his girlfriend, Harlow Sullivan. In the background you could see the Eiffel Tower, it was a selfie in which Harlow had wrapped her arms around Sorin's neck while kissing his cheeks and Sorin had a beautiful wide smile on his face.

They looked so good together, meant for each other. No matter how much it hurt me to say that, it was the truth.

Sighing, I walked away from the gym, my heart as usual feeling the emptiness. It keeps striking me like a strong wind slapping against your face, blowing away all the happiness and warmth and leaving behind coldness.


I made dinner hoping he might take pity on me and eat a few bites of it. I cook okay and I won't poison him, he should know that but of course he doesn't trust me.

I waited at the dinner table, elbows resting on top of the table, fingers gently tapping against it waiting for him to come back so that maybe, just maybe we could have dinner together. But maybe I was hoping too much. More than I should.

My eyes swept across the room until they landed on the wall clock. 10:30 pm. Quite late to have dinner.

When the clock ticked a little more closer to eleven, I knew he wasn't coming back and even if he does later, he surely would have already had dinner.

And once again this precious food would go to waste. I shouldn't be surprised because all I ever do is waste things.

I picked up a chicken wing and took a bite of it tasting my efforts as well as my tears as they flowed down my eyes.

A fucking cry baby.

I gritted my teeth and furiously wiped away those tears with the hope to wipe away my misery too.


The clocks hands struck one in the morning as I laid awake wondering when will he come back.

Whether he is okay or not?
Whether he had dinner or not?

I hope nothing happened to him because no matter how much he hates me I care for him the most and would be devastated if something were to happen to him.

He was the sole reason for my existence.

My eyes slowly started to drop, sleep taking over me but I forced them open. I'm not sleeping until and unless he comes back.

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