Bonus Chapter | Atlas & Harlow

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💫 Atlas's POV 💫

She looked freaking beautiful with her six month's old baby bump, walking down the stairs. Her hair flowing down her shoulder and that white summer dress making her glow.

When her eyes shot up to me, I quickly averted my gaze and focused on the movie again. Snap out of it.

But I could already feel a blush spreading over my cheeks and I really wished she doesn't notice it.

"Can I watch the movie with you?" She asked standing next to me.

I cleared my throat and nodded. "Sure." And she settled on the couch right beside me, a little closer than usual, I could feel the warmth radiating off her body and I forced myself to not stare at her. My palms felt sweaty due to our close proximity.

I was twenty six years old and over my life I had a numerous number of night stands plus a couple of girlfriends yet I never imagined having a child so soon.

I never knew who exactly she was when I met her in that bar months ago, who knew she would turn out to be the CEO of Sullivan Groups.

Our worlds are different, she's a multi millionaire while I am just the owner of a small cafe.

When she told me she was pregnant, I refused to believe her at first but seeing how serious she was and all the tests, I realised that I was going to be a father.

And before that I was planning to change my apartment and I don't know how she got to know about it and she forced me to move in with her in her penthouse. (Which is freaking amazing by the way.)

She said she was all alone, she had no siblings and no mother and her father was angry with her about Sorin and she said she needed someone to look after her as she was now pregnant.

Moving in with her was the fucking best decision of my life. If not for that I would have never knew how awesome she really is, so honest and out spoken and kind.

I subtly tiled my head towards her and watched her secretly, it was becoming my favourite hobby; observing her beauty.

It took my some time but I got over Drea eventually after seeing how happy she was with Sorin.

And here I was already fallen for someone again. Harder this time, stronger this time. More than ever.

"Is something wrong?" Her soft voice brought me out of the trance I was in and I realised I was staring at her.


She was scrutinizing my face and for a second her eyes stopped at my lips. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck as my cheeks flushed once again. "Yeah, of course. I am okay...very okay...I mean--"

My breath hitched when she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine, silencing me. Her eyes fluttered closed while I just stared at her in utter shock.

She pulled back a few seconds later and whispered, "I love you, Atlas. And I am tired of pretending that I don't."

"I know you like Drea and I get it, she's a very wonderful woman and I get that I kind of cheated on Sorin with you and it was wrong but please, just please give me a chance. One chance. Please. I will try my best, I swear. I really love you."

My eyes were wide open and I blinked twice in disbelief. " me?"

She gulped and nodded. "A lot."

Then a smile broke out on my face and cupping her cheeks, I pulled her in for a kiss, a more eager one this time.

I pulled her over my lap making her straddle me as we kissed passionately, my tongue sliding inside her mouth making her moan softly and that moan drove me crazy as I kissed her hard and faster.

She was clutching my collar and her fingers moved down and started to unbotton my shirt making me pull back and she paused. "I'm sorry..." She said in a whisper, her head lowered and her cheeks tinted with a coat of pink.

I lifted her chin with my index finger. "I love you."

"You do?" She finally looked at me.

"Yes. I love you, Harlow."

"I love you too, Atlas." And I kissed her again, my hand slipping inside her dress slowly and teasingly as she continued to unbotton my shirt.

I slowly and carefully placed her down on the couch trying not to hurt her or the baby and climbed over her, kissing and biting down her neck making her gasp.

When destiny has written a person for you already then no matter what you do, it just doesn't work out with the one you initially want.

And I believe, we were already written in the stars.

Written and published on: 30/6/22

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