Chapter 11 | College

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"Oh, Drea! It's so good to see you after so many days!" Atlas exclaimed the moment I entered the kitchen on Monday.

"It's been just two days, Atlas." I reminded chuckling softly. Sometimes he becomes quite dramatic but he is sweet.

He handed my apron to me. "Oh, come on, even a day without you feels like a month."

He does know how to make me blush.

He grinned mischievously on seeing me blush. "Aww." He teased. "You are so cute that that much is not even good for my heart."


I blushed even harder on that.

A thought crossed my mind. Does me?

Bold of you to assume that. My inner voice was quick to remind me.

Yeah, right.

Choosing not to reply to him, I busied myself with preparing a cup of iced latte for one of the customers.

Half way through preparing it, curiousity got the best of me and I finally asked him, "You have a girlfriend?"

"Nope", he said popping the letter 'p'.

"Oh, why though...? If you don't mind telling..."

He took out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven and placed them on the countertop. "I did have a girlfriend. I actually had two-three girlfriends but it never worked even though they all were good."

I liked how he didn't say anything bad about his exes.

"What about you?"

His question caught me off guard. I didn't want him to know that I was married especially to Sorin Zaveri. I just didn't want anyone to know that I don't know why but I didn't like lying to him either.

"I...I don't know..." I gave a sheepish reply and started to prepare another coffee after handing that one to one of the waiters.

He took a bite of the fresh cookies to taste them. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I would say I am single..." I lied at last.

"Glad to hear that." He mumbled underneath his breath and I somehow managed to hear it.

Maybe I heard it wrong or maybe...he really said any case I didn't comment on it.


The rest of the day passed in blur and soon it was evening and close to the closing time of the cafe.

"Hey, Drea?" Atlas called to me as he walked inside the kitchen. "You should go home now, it's getting late and we don't have any more customers so I am closing now."

"Oh, okay--" But we heard the doorbell chime indicating the arrival of a new customer.

Atlas smiled at me sheepishly. "Guess we have one last customer. Why don't you go take their order while I wind up here?"

I nodded. "Sure."

Taking the notepad and the pen, I walked out and saw a man sitting on the table near the ceiling to floor glass window, staring out as it was gently drizzling.

"Hello." I greeted him, my eyes fixed on the notepad, ready to take his order. "What would you like--"

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He hissed making my eyes go wide when I recognised that voice. And the pen dropped from my hand.

Slowly I lifted my head and my eyes collided with Sorin's angry ones. His jaw clenched as he slowly eyed my apron and the notepad in my hand.

What the fuck?! Why is he here? I thought being a billionaire he would go to some high end cafe, not a small one near his house.

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