Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Harry's POV*

"Who did this? Why did they do this?" I asked. I was very worried. If they start with his car, who knows if they'll work up to hurting him. I won't allow that. I'll f*ck someone up.

"Harry, now is not the time to discuss this. It's not a big deal," he responded, effortlessly. Not a big deal? His car was just beat in.

"How is this not a big deal, Louis?" I raised my voice. I was clearly upset, but I believe I have every right to be. Louis didn't respond immediately, but instead got his phone out to call a tow. He babbled on about his whereabouts and the damage done to the car. How we had walked out of the restaurant and had found his windows beaten in and scratches scattered along his car. It was about twenty minutes later that the tow truck had shown up and pulled his car away for us to never see again. "What the hell are you going to do about a car?"

"I'll just buy a new one," he said, another unsaid no big deal practically.

"Do you have that kind of money? I mean, you're just a professor," I didn't mean to sound rude, but it's true. How much money does he make anyway?

"Harry, don't worry about it, okay? I love you," he said and pecked my lips with his as he reached for his phone again.

"Who are you calling?"

"I'm getting you a cab back to campus," he said and pulled the phone to his ear and turned away from me. The cab showed up, Lou paid him, and we kissed goodbye before we parted ways. It wasn't long until I was now walking along the sidewalk to my dorm.

I went straight to my dorm and walked in to see a smoking Zayn. He was sat Indian style on his bed and a cigarette between his lips. He immediately pulled out another cigarette and lit it for me. I dropped my crap onto the floor next to my bed and took the cancer stick from him and placing it between my lips, inhaling the toxins and allowed the dealthy smoke to fill my lungs. It burned, but it calmed me. I knew I shouldn't be smoking due to my asthma, but I felt so careless about it.

Zayn and I sat in a comfortable silence until we both finished our cigarettes. That's when he spoke up. "We should try weed next time," he mumbled. I never thought I'd agree to it, and it shocked me when I did.

"Yeah. Yeah, we should."


Aye, I did say Wednesdays and Fridays. It's late, but still Wednesday!!

QOTD: When I reach chapter 50, should I have a contest?

My answer: I was thinking maybe mailing an autograph and some stuff. What do you guys think?

♥♥♥Remember, votes and comments encourage me to write!♥♥♥






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