Chapter Seventeen

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*Louis' POV*

I pulled into my neighbourhood and turned down the various streets before I finally reached my own home. We both got out of my car and waddled to the front door, begging the door to open to free us from the cold and trap us into the warmth of my house. As I walked to the kitchen and my stomach growled, I watched Harry from the corner of my eye as he walked to the kitchen.

"Harry, are you hungry?" I yelled from one room to the other. It was lunch time and if I am hungry, I knew Harry had to be, too.

"Yeah, are you going to make something?" He yelled back and I could hear the loud purring of Larry come from the living room. Harry could never leave that cat alone, let alone put him down.

"Yes, I am. What do you want?' I yelled back again. For someone who can eat quite a lot, the boy was kind of picky. Though, he has tried some new things with me.

"I am kinda in the mood for something asian," he yelled back, and I could now hear the clicking of his shoes as his body now appeared in the kitchen with Larry in his arms.

"I make a killer orange chicken and spring rolls."

"I'll help," he said, and sat Larry on the floor, in which he ran off upstairs.

"Larry!" I yelled after him. "I hate when he goes upstairs. He always gets into my office and messes with my.. uh.. stuff."

"What stuff?" Harry asked as I got the chicken out and pulled out ingrediants from my pantry and fridge.

"Why does the matter?" I asked, irritated. Why does he need to know my business. I don't want him seeing my 'office'. He'd surely take a run for it and that's the last thing I want.

"You don't have to get an attitude with me," he said and giggled. I knew he was only playing with me, but what is upstairs is no fun and games. Except for me, of course.

"And you don't have to pry into my shit, Harry. Leave it be."

"You're over-reacting."

"Leave it be, god dammit!" I screamed and Harry took a step back, fright in his eyes. "I'm sorry. You're right. I promise we will talk about it one day, but just not today. I am not ready. You'll understand one day, if not now. Now, can we please make lunch?" I said calmly, and he nodded.

It took us half an hour to cook and about another half hour to eat and clean up our mess. We were now seated in the living room, the tv on animal planet. Harry insisted we watched Too Cute! Him and his unhealthy obsession with cats. I pulled Harry on top of me, and he responded by straddling me and grinding his crotch down into mine.

"So, that lingerie we bought today. Will you try it on for me, Baby?" I asked and he looked at me, uneased.

"I.. I don't know if I want to," he whispered and looked everywhere else except my eyes. He was scared and it was easy to tell.

"Please, baby?" He'd look so damn hot in it. The thought of it is already making me hard. He shook his head no. "Fine," I said, and we continued to watch the kittens run around the yard on the screen.



Also, we are so close to chapter Twenty guys!!!!!! I would also like to say and remind  you all that I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR FOLLOWING ME ALONG IN MY WRITING JOURNEY!! It means so much to me that you guys read, vote, and comment on my works! I'll keep up the work if you do, too.

QOTD: How do you feel about Nadine and Harry dating?

My Answer: I guess I am kinda okay with it. I don't think they will last very long though. It seems that models and boy band members just don't work. I think he needs a good, hometown, down to earth girl. Just my opinion guys!

♥♥♥Remember, your votes and comments motivate me to write!♥♥♥






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