Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Harry's POV* 

I again sat with Zayn, a cigarette between my lips as I stared across the room at the wall. I honestly don't know why I even smoke. Could it be the burning feeling I get or could it be that it makes me feel numb? Numb from what? Your guess is as good as mine. I just haven't felt like myself. I've felt, depressed? I don't know why I am depressed. I have everything I could ask for, but maybe that's the problem. There's no excitement unless I'm with Louis. He is a whole other drug himself.

I put my cigarette out as Zayn passed me the bowl, which I placed between my lips and lit. "Harry," he spoke as I inhaled the killer 'weed' , and I looked over at him as I did. "I want you to be my best man at my wedding," he spoke, as if effortlessly and i blew my smoke out away from his face. I sat for a moment, holding the multi-coloured bowl in my hands as I thought.

"Absolutely, I'd love to," I said and handed the bowl back to him.

Before either of us could talk again, my phone rang. I shot up from Zayn's bed and stepped to mine to grab my phone.

Incoming Call From: Louis

I couldn't ignore another of his calls. He'd certainly know something was up. I cleared my throat before answering the call.

"Hello, baby."

"Harry, cut the shit. I'm not happy with you."

F*ck. He knows.

"I'm sorry, Louis. I can't help it."

"You were doing so well, Harry. What made you fail this exam?"

Sh*t, he's talking about the class. Thank god.

"I'll be honest. I didn't study."

"Tisk, tisk.," he said, and I could imagine him shaking his head and give a gesture with his hands, "Get a ride to my house. You're in for a punishment," he said, and hung up on me. I smirked at the thought.

I cleaned myself up a bit, getting new clothes to hide the smell of smoke and I washed my face and applied dry shampoo before grabbing my stuff and calling a cab. I could only hear those five words in my mind.

You're in for a punishment.


I hope the short chapters are okay. It's hard to try and update with extreme writer's block, but I am doing my best. It's better than nothing, right?

QOTD: What is your favourite colour?

My Answer: I LOVE DARK BLUEEEEEEEEEEEE. It's such a beautiful colour.

♥♥♥Remember to Vote and Comment!! It encourages me to write!!♥♥♥






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