Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Harry's POV*

As I ran a hand through my hair, I trotted along the hallways as I made my way to Lou's classroom. Today was the day that I will be taking my secret retake, and I am very grateful that I am able to take it again. If I weren't dating Lou, I don't think I'd have been given this opportunity. Geez, I love him.

I entered his room and without turning to look at me, he held out the test, which I gladly took and went to my desk to take it. I took me less than an hour to take it, and I'd like to thank Lou for forcing me to study, otherwise I'd have flunked it again.

I took the test up to Lou and set it on his desk and grabbed a chair, pulling up to his desk and sitting myself in it. Before I could say an 'I love you' or a 'Hello', my phone began to buzz in my pocket.

From Darla: Just wanted to let you know that the funeral for the two is tomorrow. I hope to see you there. Lots of love ♥

"Who was that?" He asked, finally looking up at me from his computer. His glasses, which he rarely wore, sat on the bridge of his nose. He looked rather sexy in them.

"It was just Darla. The funeral is tomorrow. I want you to come with me," I sighed as I leaned back in my chair. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, Harry. She needs you and your support. Go on your own. You're a big boy," he said as he once again turned to his computer and began to fiddle with it. I only nodded. "Which one of these do you like?" He asked and turned the laptop so I could see the screen. It was a website with different condo styles.

"I love this one. The decor is beautiful and there is a f*cking hot tub. Sex in a hot tub is amazing," I said and he rolled his eyes at me, clicking on the star in the corner of the page, favouriting it I assume.

"You are ridiculous, Harry," he giggled and shut his laptop. "But, I love you," he cupped my cheeks in his hands and pecked my lips a few times before leaving them against mine for a moment and then he pulled away. My eyes remained closed and a smile etched it's way along my face.

"I love you, too."




QOTD: Is this book any good or should I delete it?

My answer: I'm not quite sure.

♥♥♥Don't forget to vote and comment!!! It encourages me to write!!!♥♥♥






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