Chapter Thirty

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*Darla's POV*

Today was a big day for me. I was finally on my way to see my sister and our dad. I was just in my car driving to the house. I had a lot on my mind. How will things go? What if things really aren't better? This is why I love car rides. I'm able to avoid any stress just by turning up the music and focusing on the road, but now I had no time. I pulled into the driveway of the small trailer home.

I turned the car off and stepped out, a wide smile on my face. I was so excited. I just can't wait to see them. I slammed my car door shut. I had broken the door about a week ago and now I have to slam it in order for it to shut all of the way.

I walked to the door and knocked lightly on it, only for nobody to answer. I sighed and twisted the nob, stepping inside of the small home and closing the door behind me. Nobody was in the living room.

"Dad?" I called out, walking into the small kitchen, but I received no answer. "Darcy?" I heard the creek of a bed come from the direction of my dad's room. Was he really hurting her? Especially after he was supposedly trying to straighten his life up? It was all bullshit and I knew it, I just refused to except it because I thought there could be some hope. But, there is never any hope with this family.

I was nothing but angry, so I stormed off towards his room and pushed his door open wide, but the sight in front of me was nothing I thought I'd ever see. My jaw dropped as I took in the unfamiliar setting. Blood was scattered along the walls and my father sat on the bed with his eyes open, a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. I stood with my mouth ajar and my eyes wide as I tried to comprehend what was in front of me.

"Darcy!"I yelled and fled from the room towards Darcy's. I pushed her door open, only to be great by no one. Her bathroom door was cracked open and her light was on. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified of what I would see behind the door.

I slowly stepped towards her bathroom door and pushed it open. I instantly dropped to my knee's. Her body lay on the floor, a pool of blood around her as well as her shot out brains. She had shot our father and shot herself soon after. After my second realization, I began to sob heavily. Tears poured down my cheeks and croaks of desperation passed my lips. I needed my baby sister. It was too soon for either of them. I stood, my crying becoming harder as a silent scream left my mouth, and I noticed the note on the counter.

I walked to the counter and took the bloody note in my hand. There were blades and smeared spots of blood along it. She had cut herself. My screams were now of sound as I unfolded the note and read it aloud, as if someone were listening.

Dear Darla,

I knew you were coming today. I knew you would find us like this. I just want to say now that this will be short and simple, as all of my conversations and basically my entire life is. I found out last night that I was pregnant. I don't think I'd have had such a problem with it if I knew it belonged to someone else. Since I'd never had sex with anyone willingly, I knew the baby was our father's. He would have found out and would have turned back to his ways, so for the sake of us all, I ended it. I'm sorry to leave you with such a rude goodbye. I love you, take care, and raise a proper family.

Yours Truly,

I dropped to my knees once again and pulled her lifeless body into me, pieces of what I assume was her skull and brains dropping onto my jeans. I kissed her bloody head before pulling out my phone and unlocking it. I pressed in the numbers 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"


QOTD: In order to be submitted, you must send me a message in my inbox including your desired name, age, ethnicity, sex, and two facts about you. This information will help me begin to get an idea of what your character will look like. If you are accepted, I will let you know by message. If not, I will say my sorrys and explain as to why you weren't. If it was a simple error, I will allow one more submission. Please message me if you have further questions.

My answer: Send them on in!!!

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