Chapter Fifty-Two

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Again, please please please go read my two new books..

Take Me In (A Larry Stylinson Daddy Kink)


Model (A Larry Fanfiction)

It would mean so much to me!! Love you!!!!



*Harry's POV*

I've now been awake for two days and, luckily for me, my health has been incredible. I can walk again, but only for a short time. All my blood work looks good. The only problem is that my asthma has worsened, which there is nothing they can do about it. I just have to start taking better care of myself and treat asthma as an illness rather than a breathing condition. It could be my life on the line. Again.

Because I am fully conscious, I am able to go home, but I am not allowed to attend school for another four weeks. I have too many doctor's appointments I'll have to attend and too much rest I need to get that school will only stress me out and could cause other problems in myself.

Also, because such high levels of marijuana was found in my system, I have to start attending therapy regularly and I am under probation for sixty days, which won't be a problem because I am never fucking smoking again. It almost caused me to lose my life and lose Louis, which neither of those I can live without. Pardon the pun.

"Harry, you are very brave to have left so early," Louis whispered to me, his hand on my thigh as he pulled into his driveway. Because I couldn't be at school, dorms included, I was staying with Louis the four weeks I had to better myself. "You could have stayed the rest of the week if you wanted to."

"No, I wanted to come home," I mumbled back to him. He probably couldn't understand me well since I was so strung out on drugs, prescribed of course.

"You really need to get some rest," he said, and with that, he parked the car and got me out of the car, taking me inside and taking me to his bed.

I rolled over into the blankets and sighed. Louis laid himself behind me and pressed his front into my back. As we spooned, I thought about everything that has happened, and what really gets me the most is how selfish I was.


"Yes, Lou?" And for some odd reason I was scared of what he was going to say.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

AN: Mostly his confused thoughts, but I think it ties together.


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