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September 1st

My first day of seventh grade was today. I didn't really have that high of expectations for this year, to be honest. Middle school is kinda iffy in my opinion, it's not bad, but it's not good either. Fan, a high schooler I've seen around the neighborhood and who works at the arcade near my house says that middle school is easy, and that high school is pretty much like playing the hardest game in the world on super-hardcore mode while blindfolded.

I knew high school wasn't like how they showed it in the overly cliché-based movies Mic used to watch with me when I was younger, obviously, but I never thought someone would describe it the way Fan did.

But then again, Fan is what Nickel would describe as "a huge nerd" (which is fairly accurate in all honesty), so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

As usual, Baseball was much more emotional than normal this morning. He always was on my first days of school, ever since I was in kindergarten. Hell, in the video that Nickel took when I started kindergarten, there were multiple shots of Baseball absolutely bawling his eyes out while hugging me. I've gotten used to it over the years, but now that I'm pretty much a year away from high school it's kind of embarrassing.

"I'm going to be back this afternoon," I had said, trying to escape from my dad's tight hug. "It's not like I'm moving to Australia or something..."

"I know, I know sweetie, it's're growing up so fast." He stopped hugging me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me with a soft look in his watery eyes. "I just want to enjoy these moments while I still can."

"I know, I know..." I remember chewing at the inside of my cheek. "But you don't have to get worked up every year..."

"I know, but I can't help it. You've always been my little girl." Baseball planted a kiss on my forehead. "Have a good day for me, okay?"

"Okay, I will."

That day Knife drove me to school on his motorcycle. Baseball was always very wary whenever I rode along on it, but Knife always made sure I had a helmet on and everything, and despite his rough and tough appearance, he was always a really safe driver.

As Knife dropped me off a block away from the middle school (he didn't want to get caught in the chaos that was the middle school drop-off line), as I handed back the helmet and went to go walk up to the building, Knife tapped my shoulder, only to place a giant bag of quarters in my hand when I turned to face him.

"Go to the arcade after school. Go and make yourself some friends, kiddo." Knife winked. "Call me and I'll pick you up after, yeah?"

I nodded quickly as I put the coins in my school bag and ran into the building. My first class wasn't too hard to find, luckily, but when I got there I found everyone all sitting together, talking and sharing summer-related gossip among each other.

I took the final remaining empty table, despite the fact that there were many other spots open. I knew all these kids from last year, but I wasn't all buddy-buddy with them. Sitting with them just felt awkward. I quietly picked some stray fluff from my cardigan, just hoping that the class would just start already soon, when a boy approached me timidly.

I didn't recognize him at all in the slightest. He wasn't that taller than me, maybe by an inch or so. His red hair wasn't long, but it was pulled back in a small ponytail. He was wearing ordinary clothes for a 7th grade boy; a t-shirt and a zip-up red hoodie that looked worn out, with baggy jeans and sneakers. I'm not sure if it was because of the slight mystery of this strange new kid who was approaching me on his own will or what, but he looked actually kind of cute.

(Not in a romantic way, at least I don't think it was romantic. I still don't know where I stand in the terms of my sexuality and all that.)

"Uh, hi. Uh, is the seat next to you taken?" He gestured to the empty stool beside me.

"Oh! Uh, no. I was just gonna sit by myself." For some reason, it didn't register how pathetic that sounded until the words left my mouth. "I'm...usually by myself. I'm not very good at making friends."

"Haha, guess that makes two of us, huh?" He sat down next to me, placing his bag in front of him, on the table. "I'm Balloon, by the way."

"I'm Suitcase. I don't think I saw you around last year."

"Oh, it's my first year here. Last year I went to Helena Middle."

"Oh my god, Helena?" My middle school, Hatchwood City Middle (named after our town, obviously) have been mega-huge rivals with Helena since...probably since the schools even opened, I guess. Knife and Mic went to Hatchwood too, and from what they told me the rivalry was pretty intense. "You should probably keep that under wraps if you don't wanna get bullied. We really hate you Acorns."

"You should. Everyone at Helena Middle is a dick." Balloon sighed, tapping the table with his little finger. "I was bullied pretty much every day last year when I went there. I went to the teachers multiple times, but they either did jack about it or just gave them a talking to and sent them on their way."

"Oh jeez." I'd been bullied a couple times over the years, but compared to what Balloon was saying, that seemed like nothing. "I'm really sorry, Balloon. That sounds awful."

"It's fine. I mean, I don't like thinking about it, but it's better now." He paused. " know what everyone's like here?"

"The other kids are mostly pretty chill. Well, except for the jocks. They're kinda rude." I rolled my eyes.

"Just because they're the school's top athletes doesn't mean they can be jerks."

We stared at each other for a moment as we realized we had said the same thing at the same time before bursting into laughter.

And Balloon quickly became my friend. I doubt it was anything like fate or destiny, but it felt like it was only right we became friends. We had a lot of similar interests and hobbies, and Balloon was happy to listen to whatever I had to say, which I appreciated a lot.

In fact, we checked our schedules and we found out we shared all our classes, which was a nice surprise. We sat together in every one, and I took him to the arcade after school today. He's really good at video games, actually, but he hasn't beaten me yet; I've got eight years of experience playing with Knife and his friend Pickle, and they are absolutely ruthless. Balloon kept protesting that I was cheating, but I could tell he was only joking.

We stayed for a couple hours at the arcade before Balloon's mom came by to pick him up to head home, where we traded phone numbers before he got in her van to head home. Knife came by in the van with Mic in the passenger seat (she was over for dinner), where I told the both of them about Balloon. Microphone was pretty taken aback, considering I was talking both their ears off.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but for the first time in years, I'm actually excited for school tomorrow. Balloon's gonna come over tomorrow morning so we can walk together, I'm excited to get to see my new friend again!

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