Hatching a Plan

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AN: Yes, yes, I think I'm very clever referencing II14. Hold the applause. /j
But in all seriousness, thanks for over 200 reads! It's probably not much compared to others, but I'm glad so many of you like my little AU so much. :) I can't thank y'all enough, seriously!
Warnings for gun/talk of death!

My alarm hadn't gone off by the time I wake up. Groping for my phone, I squint my eyes as I check the time. Not even 5:30 in the morning, but I see some text notifications on my lock screen with Balloon's icon next to them.

I'm much more awake now, sitting up and tapping the notification banner to read the texts.

I'm much more awake now, sitting up and tapping the notification banner to read the texts

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"Yes!" I whisper-shout, pumping my fist in the air. "I knew you could do it, Balloon!" My fingers fly quickly as I type a quick reply as I leap out of bed, getting ready as fast as humanly possible. We might have a clue! An actual clue! The excitement is so much, it's almost nauseating. But like, the good kind of nausea.

I rush downstairs, bag slung over my shoulder. Knife's just coming back in the house, he was covering a night shift for one of his coworkers last night.

"Hey, Suits," He greets, setting his keys aside. "You're up earlier than—"

"Sorry Knife can't talk now! Going to meet Balloon for breakfast!" I grab my own set of house keys, shoving them in my pocket. "Bye Knife! Love you! Tell Baseball and Nickel I said good morning!"

"Uh, love you too kiddo," Knife mumbles as he watches me rush out the door, an understandably confused look on his face.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me all the way to the diner, where Balloon is already waiting in a booth, looking the most tired I've ever seen him. I don't blame him, the texts I got from him were sent at one in the morning, no wonder he's tired.

"Hey!" I greet Balloon, sitting down across from him. "Good morning Balloon!"

"Morning, Suitcase." He yawns slightly. "Sorry, just tired today. I didn't go to bed until almost two last night, I've never been up that late in my life."

"No, no, I get it. We just waiting on Fan?"

"You said something?" Fan walks on over, sliding in next to me. "I'm not late, am I?"

"No, you're fine! I just got here." I chuckle slightly, glancing over at the waitress who was approaching our table.

"Heya, kids! Can I get you started on drinks this morning?" She greets.

"Uh...can I have a coffee?" Balloon asks.

"I'll take some too!" Fan adds.

"Oh, uhm. Apple juice is fine, I guess."

She writes it all down, going over to the back, leaving the three of us alone to talk.

"So, Suitcase, you told me you found some sort of number code in the journal last night?" Fan asks, leaning on the table.

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