The World Caves In

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AN: Not very many warnings this time! Just some implied injuries and a wee bit of blood!

And as the world

as the world caves in...
           -Matt Maltese, The World Caves In

"So, your birthday's tomorrow, huh?" Balloon chuckled, he and his friend standing across from each other while eating the hor d'oeuvres that Tea Kettle had brought. "How does it feel, only having, what, ten more hours before you become an official teenager?"

"Exciting! But also nerve-wracking and confusing?" Suitcase chuckled nervously, clutching the paper plate in her hands. "I can't pinpoint an exact feeling, sorry..."

"No, no, it's fine! Understandable, really." Balloon glanced out in the distance. "I mean, considering...well, everything."

"Yeah, no kidding." Suitcase leaned against her backyard fence. "So much has happened in these past few months. We joined some secret society, you, Fan, and I have powers now apparently, and I learned that my mom wasn't dead and was stuck in what could best be described as interdimensional purgatory." She sighed deeply, looking over at her friend with a slightly sad look in her eyes. "I'm sorry I got you and your family wrapped up in this."

"It's okay. I mean, some parts are not okay, considering Merripen kidnapped my parents at one point, and we've witnessed so much messed up stuff that's probably going to give us major trauma later on in life, but...I'm glad to be doing this with you."

Suitcase smiled slightly. "Yeah. Me too."

Meanwhile, from the other side of the yard, the adults were all hanging around in a group, Baseball talking with Tea Kettle and Lifering, while Handbag and Nickel were standing off to the side near the food table, watching as they drank from glass soda bottles.

"He looks so happy," Handbag said softly, smiling as she watched Baseball laugh at a story Lifering was telling. "I...missed seeing that smile of his."

"Heh, well, you know what they say. You never know what little things you miss 'til they're gone." Nickel glanced up at Handbag. "Hey, I know I've already said this before, but thanks a lot for being so understanding about the whole...Baseball and I being a couple now thing."

"Hey, don't sweat it, Nickel," she reassured him, swirling her soda around. "I mean, I've been gone for almost thirteen years now. Really, I'd be more concerned if Baseball hadn't moved on by now. Besides, he really cared for you, and as far as I can see, that hasn't changed."

"Yeah, but...are you okay? I mean...I know that you loved him."

Handbag's smile faltered slightly. "I don't know. I still love him. I can't deny that whatsoever. But fixating on it for the rest of my life won't help me in any way whatsoever." Her eyes fell on her daughter, who was laughing and smiling with her friend. "Besides, I have to be here for Suitcase. I've missed the first thirteen years of her life, and I'm sure as hell not going to miss the rest of it."

"Heh, that's a good outlook." Nickel raised his bottle of soda in the air slightly. "To Suitcase?"

"To Suitcase." Handbag and Nickel clinked their bottles together gently, taking long swigs of their drinks. "Oh man, I missed you, cherry coke..."

Nickel's chuckling was interrupted by the ground starting to rumble, dishes and silverware rattling loudly as everyone in the yard began looking around, concerned and worried chatter bouncing around.

"What's going on?" Balloon shrieked, clutching onto his plate as his body shook nervously.

"Alright, alright, calm down, everyone, it's just a—Woah!" Lifering quickly cut himself off with a startled scream as the rumbling became much more intense, the force of the ground's shaking being enough to knock Nickel down to the ground, his drink flying out of his hands. "Okay, scratch that! Everyone hit the deck!"

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