You're Coming Back

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You're coming back,
and it's the end of the world
We're starting over, and I love you darling
and I am done here
                          -I Want You, Mitski

Warnings for a wee bit of blood and mentions of violence!

"...and then I woke up, and found this! Can you believe it?!" Suitcase's smile took up half her face as she waved the paper in her hands around, Fan and Balloon standing around her. They were at the Thinker home once again, this time to have an overnight resistance meeting. Suitcase, Balloon, and Fan were technically supposed to be sleeping, but the former girl had to share the news, now that nobody could eavesdrop. "We're so close!"

"So we can actually get your mom home soon?" Balloon gasped. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah! She could actually help us out a lot, couldn't she?" Fan asked. "She did trap Merripen in that interdimensional limbo, after all, and she had countless encounters with them, according to Candle..."

"Yeah! And...I'll finally get to meet her." Suitcase took a deep, shaky breath, staring down at the paper. "But first...we need to get all of this."

"Huh, let's see...'locks of who she loved and who loved her'..." Balloon mumbled. "Maybe...that's Baseball and Candle? That's the best answer I can think of, really..."

"But how are we gonna get their hair?" Fan questioned. "I mean, I don't think they'd just hand some of it over to us..."

"Simple," Suitcase stated. "If they won't give us any, we'll just get it ourselves."


Silver and Candle were asleep, the former snoring not-so-delicately while sprawled on his side, while Candle laid on her back, snoring quietly, her purple hair laid spread out over her pillow. They seemed to pay no attention as the bedroom door squeaked open, Suitcase silently walking in, clutching a pair of kitchen scissors in her hands.

She knew she shouldn't do this. She really shouldn't.

But it was for a good cause, wasn't it? So Candle would understand, right?

Suitcase gingerly picked up a strand of Candle's hair between her fingers, slowly moving the scissors towards the yoga teacher's hair. Silver Spoon shifted slightly in bed, Suitcase's body going stiff as she stared at the slender man, only for him to turn over in his sleep and wrap an arm around Candle. Suitcase sighed, glancing down and slowly and carefully trimming the strand of purple hair, grasping it gently in her hands as she quietly shuffled out of the bedroom, meeting up with Balloon in the hallway, who was holding a chunk of white hair with red streaks.

"I just trimmed his ponytail," Balloon whispered. "Do you think it might be too much?"

"No, that's good, that's good," Suitcase replied softly. "C'mon, let's just go back to the guest room."

The two friends rushed over to the guest room, where Fan was sitting crosslegged on one of the sleeping bags, holding something small in his hands. He glanced up at the two twelve-year-olds, who held up the hairs in their hands as if they were saying "halfway done!".

"Nice!" Fan whispered. "Now, I think for the part that says 'a piece of what was once hers might be...some part of one of her belongings, maybe?"

"I don't think that's a problem," Suitcase said. "Candle and Silver have the journals on them, we can just tear a page out of there. But now we need..." She trailed off, staring down at her wrist.

"Suitcase?" Balloon approached her slowly. "I'm not going to stop you from doing it. I mean, I did promise I'd help you get your mom back, you want me to hold your hand? You just look...hesitant."

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