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AN: Warnings for violence, blood, implied death 
...yyyyeahhh, you Paintbrush and Lightbulb fans are going to come for me again for this one.

"...and then they said, 'that's what I call a chain reaction'!"

Lightbulb couldn't hold back a face-splitting grin as she watched Paintbrush start to chuckle, swinging her legs as she smiled at them from her spot on the tree branch. It always felt good to make her friends and loved ones happy, mainly due to her empathetic and free-spirited nature. She cared deeply for her friends and loved ones; how could she not? They were important to her, especially the friend group that she had dubbed "The Bright Lights".

Of course, there was goofy, optimistic Lightbulb, introverted yet eccentric Fan, hotheaded and artistic Paintbrush, and of course, the ever-so-intelligent Test Tube.

Test Tube.

God, Test Tube.

Lightbulb still felt horrible about what happened to Test Tube. It pained her to pass by her friend's empty room every night when she was going to bed, always forgetting that Test Tube wouldn't be there, reading or studying before turning in. Lightbulb knew what had happened wasn't her fault, but it didn't stop her from crying herself to sleep most nights.

But she couldn't be sad about it all the time.

Test Tube wouldn't have wanted Lightbulb to do nothing and mope around because of what Merripen did. Lightbulb knew that. Test Tube was always there for her, for all of their friends, so Lightbulb didn't see why she shouldn't be there for the friends that were still here for her. Did it feel wrong, in a sense, to be acting happy when she didn't know what happened to Test Tube? Of course it did.

But her loved ones needed her. Especially her older brother.

"You sure Fan didn't want to come to hang with us?" Paintbrush asked, jerking Lightbulb from her train of thought. "I mean, it's a super nice day out."

"No, he said he wanted to stay inside," Lightbulb replied, tapping her hands on the branch. "He's probably working on his blog again, just like usual!" As usual, she spoke in an optimistic tone, but the corners of her smile were fading as she glanced to the side, a somber glaze in her eyes.

"...Rough day?" Paintbrush sighed, putting their sketchbook down in their lap as they gazed up at the optimist. "I don't blame him. He was...really close to Test Tube. I can't imagine what he's going through right now."

Lightbulb nodded, struggling to keep her smile on her face. "Painty? Tube's gonna be okay, right?"

Paintbrush hesitated, not knowing what they should say. In all honesty, they didn't know, but they didn't want to say that. Not just because they didn't want to upset Lightbulb, but because they were afraid to admit that themselves. "I hope so. I guess we'll have to find out for ourselves."

Lightbulb opened her mouth to speak, only for the ground to start shaking. She fell out of the tree with a loud cry, falling down heavily next to Paintbrush as the rumbling grew more extreme, the asphalt in the road near the park they were in beginning to crack.

"OMGA! What's happening?!" Lightbulb exclaimed, her eyes darting around the area in a panic.

"I don't know, but we gotta get outta here!" Paintbrush shouted, grabbing their friend's hand. "Quickly, under the playground!"

The two of them ran off near the play structure, the teenage artist grasping Lightbulb's hand tightly so they wouldn't lose her in the sea of panicked citizens who were running around screaming. The blonde-haired girl glanced behind her as they ran. Her eyes widened as she saw a giant castle slowly rise out of the ground, decorated with strange symbols and markings.

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