Caved In

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Thank you all for 1k reads and over 100 votes! I didn't think that this little AU would get this much appreciation, I love and read each + every one of your comments, and I'm glad to have fans like you all. <3

It was four-thirty in the morning, possibly the earliest I've ever been awake in my life. I blink harshly, shoving my school bag as far underneath my bed as it would go, grabbing my adventuring bag instead and slinging it over my shoulder. Standing up once again, I head open to my desk, grabbing the map Battery had sent me along with a piece of paper. I put the map in my bag, and grab a pen to write Baseball a note:

Left for school early today to help Balloon study for a test. I already got myself breakfast, so don't worry about that. I'll see you when I get home.
Love you,

I put the pen down, quietly opening my bedroom door and peering out in the hallway. They're all still asleep, thankfully. I slowly walk downstairs and to the kitchen, placing the note on the table and filling my bag with several Dr. Fizz cans and a bunch of snacks before slipping out the back door, quickly breaking into a run as I rush down the street.

Balloon's waiting at the street corner, rubbing his eyes on his sleeve tiredly. I don't blame him; no kid our age is used to waking up before the crack of dawn.

"Hey, dude," I greet him, waving tiredly as he glances at me. "You doing good?"

"I guess," he chuckles softly, running his hands through his hair. "How about you?"

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine." I lean against the street sign, fiddling with my hoodie. "Fan and Test Tube are on their way, right?"

"Yeah, should be any minute." Balloon looks in the distance. " cut your hair? Like you wanted to?"

"Yeah. Did it in the bathroom when I got home yesterday afternoon," I reply. "Baseball was completely shocked, but Nickel took it differently. He tried insisting I grow my hair back out, but I shut him down. It feels good, finally standing up for myself. A bit weird, but...I'm happy I get to make my own choices, for once."

Balloon smiled softly at me, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I'm happy for you. A-And I think the haircut looks good on you."

"You think so?" I blush slightly, tucking some hair behind my ear. "I-It's kinda messy, since...I've never cut hair before, really."

"Yeah! It kinda gives off a...mysterious, badass sorta vibe."

"You think I'm a badass?" My face feels red-hot, almost as if my cheeks were on fire.

"Of course I think you're a badass!" Balloon grins widely. "Don't you remember back in the  bunker? You just came outta nowhere and saved our butts!"

"I was just doing the right thing. Friends don't let friends get kidnapped by guys in robes, y'know?"

We both laugh, a warm, fuzzy feeling bursting inside my chest, a feeling that's vaguely unfamiliar to me. It feels like when I'm with Balloon, but...more intense. What was this?

"Aww, cute!"

The two of us yelp in surprise, our faces turning red as tomatoes as we stare at Test Tube poking her head out of Fan's car, a goofy grin on her face.

"W-When did you get here?" Balloon stutters, eyes darting around the empty streets. "Were you spying on us?!"

"We haven't been here long, don't worry," Fan reassures from the driver's seat. "We have Frappuccinos and donuts!"

"Food of the gods," Test Tube nods as we both get into the back of the car. "We're gonna need the caffeine boost, anyways."

"Amen," Balloon mumbles, taking two of the drinks and handing one off to me. "Especially since we're skipping school to investigate some weird cave several hours away from town."

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