Knife & Microphone

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AN: This is it, everyone. We've reached the penultimate moments before everything goes down. I hope you're ready.
Warnings for implied drugging and kidnapping, pretty unsettling imagery and brainwashing/mind control

"Hey, could you hurry up with that, bro?" Microphone sighed, staring at her twin brother from her spot against the side of the old brick wall she was leaning on, watching him try his best to fix the smoking car. "Unlike you, I have shit to do tonight."

"Oh, knock it off," Knife groaned, glancing at his sister. "I'm trying my best, you know? I'm not a fuckin' star mechanic, jeez."

"Then in that—augh!"

Knife jerked his head up quickly at the sound of Mic's scream, whipping his head around to find his twin sister gone, her black headphones clattering to the ground being the only sign of her ever having been there at all.

"Mic?!" Knife cried, rushing over and scooping up Mic's headphones in his hands. He knew Microphone would rather kill herself than go anywhere with her headphones, you would've thought that they were life support to her.

Oh god, what happened to his sister? Knife's mind flashed back to several weeks ago, when Baseball and Nickel came home to Handbag carrying a sleeping Suitcase in her arms, where Suitcase's mother proceeded to explain everything to him, how it was possible that Merripen might be even more motivated to carry out his plans, now that she had returned, no matter who got hurt.

Merripen...he couldn't have...

"Microphone?!" Knife called out in a panic. "Mic, where are you? If you're okay, say something, give me a sign, anything!"

Before he knew it, something wrapped around him, and everything went out.


When Knife finally came to his senses, he found himself in a strange sort of cell, his body sprawled out awkwardly on the cold floor. He groped around on the floor for a moment before he slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, his bones popping slightly as he did so.

"Nnngh...fuck, my head," Knife groaned, rubbing at his temple with the heel of his palm as he tried to recollect himself. Everything was a bit of a blur; he remembered driving with Mic when the car started acting up, then pulling to the side of the road to fix it, and then...

Knife jerked up, his eyes going wide in realization as he whispered his sister's name. He had to find her, he had to. Sure, they bickered a lot, but at the end of the day, she was still his sister, and siblings don't just let each other go missing (even if they wished they did sometimes).

He grunted slowly, taking a look at his surroundings. It looked like your standard prison cell; a dingy bed, a toilet that was so filthy it could have made the sewers look tidy by comparison, and a bunch of chains sitting in a pile of moss in a corner.

As for the door, it was a huge iron one—or at least, Knife assumed that it was iron, at one point. It was more rust than metal, and huge chunks of it covered the floor. Taking slow steps forward, he pressed his hand against the door, only for the door to swing open with an audible creak.

Did they seriously forget to lock the damn door...? Knife thought as he stepped out into the hallway. Wow. That's incompetent if I've ever seen it.

He began walking down the hall, glancing around slowly. This place gave him the chills, in a way that made him want to puke. He ran one hand along the wall, brow furrowing as he stared at it.

What was this place?

Suddenly a loud click echoed through the empty hall, alarming Knife, who quickly pulled his hand away and took a few steps back, eyes darting around as he prepared to fight, only for part of the wall to slide open, revealing something Knife never thought he'd see here, of all places.

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