Get Out of My Head

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AN: vomit (emetophobia) warning!
Things are about to get creepy, y'all!

"Hey, Tube!"

I yelp, nearly dropping my science textbook, whipping my head around to stare at Lightbulb, who had her trusty crab Baxter perched on her shoulder as she bounces over to me. I sigh, adjusting my glasses and smiling softly. "Oh, it's just you and Baxter, Lightbulb. You spooked me for a second, there."

"Oops, my bad!" she chuckled, rubbing the back of her head. "I just wanted to ask you something really quick before I head to bed."

"You did?" I put my textbook down. "What is it?"

"Well, I was just wondering, why'd you and Fan ditch school today?" she asks, stroking Baxter with the tip of her finger as she spoke. "I mean, Fan's skipped once or twice, but you've never willingly skipped a class in, like, ever! Hell, you're the person that begs us to sneak you out to school without your mom seeing when you're sick! It'd have to be pretty important if you're missing school."

"I..." I avert my gaze. I don't want to keep Lightbulb in the dark about this, but on the other hand, the more people that know about this, the more people that'll be in danger. But still...I hate lying to her. "I can't tell you right now, Mom might be listening. But I'll tell you later, okay? I promise."

"Okay, Test Tube!" I relax, glad that Lightbulb was happy with my answer as I watch her yawn. "Alrighty, I better head to sleep now. 'Night night, Testy! I love you!"

I chuckle slightly. "Goodnight, Lightbulb. I love you too." I turn around and sigh, slumping back in my chair as Lightbulb leaves. Good golly, I feel so tired, but I'm not surprised. Today was the most exhausting day I've had in my life, more exhausting than my tennis championships. With the sentries and Merripen and...whatever the hell was going on with Balloon, my head is spinning.

I sigh deeply, standing up and shuffling over to my bed, turning out the lights and taking my glasses off. Maybe I should just go to bed early tonight, that should help.


I wake up in a weird, space-like area, with stars and galaxies in the distance, but everything seems...odd. For instance, there's so many random items floating around, but when I look at them closer, I start to recognize them; the pair of cartoon-branded glasses I wore when I was six, my science fair trophies, and several tennis rackets that I had long since outgrown. I reach out and grab one of my old childhood toys, staring at it as I held it in my hand.

"Taking a trip down memory lane, are you?"

I gasp, turning around sharply to see Merripen staring down at me, grinning slyly. "W-What are you doing here! Get out of my head, or—"

"Hang on there!" They hold up their hands. "I'm not here to do anything to you, at least not this time! I just want to talk."

I back up slowly, staring up at the demigod, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. "What do you want?"

"It's not what I want from you, Test Tube darling. It's what you want from me."

My face scrunches up in confusion. "What?"

"Think about it. You want the journals, don't you?" they ask, floating down to my level. "Of course, I happen to know where they are, and I can give you...hints, to their locations."

"Give them" I smell a rat. Something isn't sitting right with me, a feeling I just can't possibly ignore boiling in my stomach. "I'm not going to be fooled that easily, you snollygoster! You want something from me, don't you?"

Merripen hummed. "You catch on quick. Though, what did I expect? You were always one to think several steps ahead, weren't you?"

"Cut the flattery!" I shout, my throat threatening to go hoarse. "What is it that you want from me?"

"Oh, it's simple." Merripen snaps his fingers, four crystals appearing in the air. I recognize them instantly; they're the crystals that Battery gave us when we joined the Fellowship. "You recognize them, don't you?"

"Our pendants?" I mumble, my fist closing around the crystal hanging around my neck.

"You remember when Balloon showed those...strange powers today, do you not?" they ask me, tilting their head and smiling. "Well, to put it numbly, it's because of these. They are all connected to the beginnings of that little fellowship of yours, but...they can be your undoing."

"W-What?" I can only watch as I watch black fog seep from the crystals, covering our surroundings in thick black smoke. I begin to cough, trying to wave the smoke away as I stare back up at Merripen.

"I'll give you some time to decide, and throw in a little sample to try and convince you," they say as the fog starts to thicken. "But just be warned; you only have so much time."


I wake up with a gasp, nausea boiling in my stomach. I get up and dash to the bathroom, hands over my mouth, rushing over to the toilet to throw up, my eyes squeezed shut as everything came out of me, my harsh grasp on the tank of the toilet being the only thing preventing me from falling.

I cough the last bit out, blinking slowly as I wipe my mouth with my hand, absentmindedly glancing down at it. My eyes go wide as I stare at it, my body beginning to tremble, falling to my knees as my eyes dart between staring at my hand, and the contents of the toilet bowl.


I had thrown up black...gunk. It had the texture of paint, but had some sort of metallic taste to it, almost as if it was blood. My stomach jolts, and I open my mouth and vomit again, more black fluid flooding out of my body. Tears start streaking down my face, and I cover my mouth with quivering eyes, scooting myself backwards and leaning against the wall as I sobbed quietly.

What was happening? What was this?

What did Merripen do to me?

"Test Tube!" I heard Fan's shocked gasp as I see him rush over to my side, Lightbulb following him. "We heard noises, are you ok—holy shit!" He gasps, seeing all the black gunk in the toilet. "A-Are you okay?! S-Should we get your mom?"

"No," I whisper softly. "I mean, don't get Mom. I-I..." I curl up into a ball, still quivering. "I don't know what's happening."

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