Teach Myself How to Die

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AN: Warnings for blood, violence, mentions of death/implications of death
I deeply apologize to any and all Nickel fans that are reading this chapter. This is NOT gonna be easy for any of you to read.

The three of them were hiding in the back of a large, white cargo van, parked in an alley fairly close to Merripen's castle. Suitcase was curled up with her knees close to her chest as she leaned against Baseball slightly, while Nickel was rolling out a map of Merripen's castle (provided by Handbag) in front of the three of them, gripping a large dagger in his hand.

"Okay, so let's go over the game plan one more time," Nickel said, looking up at his family. "Merripen is most likely holding Paintbrush and Lightbulb hostage here, in an area where he can keep a close eye on them." He tapped on an area near the castle's upper floor with the dagger's tip. "Suitcase will use her powers to create a distraction big enough to distract the guards in front. From there, Baseball and I will sneak behind them and take 'em out so we can sneak inside and get Lightbulb and Paintbrush without being noticed. Sounds good?"

"Yeah," Suitcase said numbly, her voice close to breaking. "Sounds great."

Nickel's face softened, putting down the dagger. "You alright, kiddo?"

"No," Suitcase admitted. "I don't wanna do this. I should be talking about my birthday with my friends, not on a rescue mission during the end of the world. This...this isn't fair."

"Suitcase..." Nickel scooted forward, wrapping his arms around his stepdaughter. "Everything's going to work out, alright? You don't need to worry."

"But it's not working out alright!" Suitcase cried. "I spent my birthday underground, for Christ's sake! It should have been a fun day, but instead...." Tears rolled down her face, her shoulders shaking as she cried.

"Shhh, Suits, it's okay. C'mere." Baseball moved to hug his daughter now, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know this has all been hard, especially with the Merripen thing happening, but we'll make it up to you after it's all over."

"Mmm." Suitcase glanced down at the van floor with a somber look on her face.

Nickel bit the inside of his cheek before he spoke. "Tell you what, kiddo. When Merripen gets what's coming to him, and we save Test Tube and the world, we'll let you throw the best birthday party a freshly-minted teen could ask for. With your pops and me, Balloon and his family, and as many of your friends as you want to invite. Just tell us what you wanna do for your party, and we'll do it."

Suitcase wiped her nose on her sleeve, looking up at Nickel. "You promise, Nickel?"

"Of course I do, Suitcase. You know I always keep my promises."

She sniffled, a small smile reappearing on her face as she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm. "...thank you. Both of you. I guess I needed that more than I thought I did."

"Don't mention it, Suits," Nickel chuckled, patting Suitcase's shoulder. "But I think we have other things to take care of first, yeah?"

"Yeah, saving Paintbrush and Lightbulb." Baseball scooted over to the back van windows, peering outside. "Looks like it's clear. You guys ready?"

Suitcase took a deep breath, cracking her knuckles slowly. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

Baseball opened the van's rear doors, Nickel leaping out quickly and ducking behind some trash cans, the former man following behind him. Suitcase stared at her hands for a moment, which were wrapped up in bandages, just like in the action-movie-esque animes Fan had shown her. She felt energy tingling at her fingertips, her body ready to fight.

Okay, Suitcase. Here we go.

Suitcase stepped out of the van, slowly getting into position, bending down and placing her hands on the ground, her knees inches away from the asphalt. Her heart was pounding in her chest; was it from fear or the inner flame's magic coursing through her veins? She couldn't tell.

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