Falsified Words of a Demigod

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AN: Warning for blood and violence!

I yell incoherently in a frenzied panic, hands gripping the steering wheel like my life depended on it. How did Baseball and Knife make driving look so easy, this was hard as hell! No wonder all the movies make getting your driver's license such a big deal.

"Woah, easy Suitcase! Easy!" OJ screams, clinging onto the back of the passenger seat as tightly as he could.

"Oh sure, I'd love to take it easy. I've drove plenty of times, this isn't a big deal," I say sarcastically. "Dammit, why are there monsters seem to alter the fabric of the universe?!"

"We don't have time to question that! We need a plan!" Fan cries. "What do we do?"

"We gotta take these monsters out!" Test Tube shouts, raising her blaster in the air, unbuckling her seatbelt. "Suitcase, pull over!"

I swerve to the side of the road, Test Tube crawling out of the car and popping open the trunk, the rest of us crawling over to surround her as she stares confusedly at the contents.

"What the hell is all this?" Balloon asks, pulling at one of the many leather bags that were in the trunk.

"I dunno," OJ shrugs his shoulders. "Our parents just asked us to—"

Suddenly a bunch of weapons tumble out of the bottom of the bag; swords, guns and sacks of bullets, throwing axes, all sorts of things. We all stare at the weapons for a moment, before looking back at the rest of the bags.

"Well, son of a bitch."


"Okay, is everyone ready?" Test Tube shouts, holding up her blaster, which she had improved upon using a toolbox that she had found in the glove compartment, along with the parts of several of the weapons from the bags.

"Oh, hell yeah!" Paintbrush exclaims, cracking their knuckles. Unlike the majority of us, who had selected various weapons to defend ourselves, they had settled on the strange decision of only using their fists. An odd choice, but considering the fact that they knew martial arts, we weren't too concerned. "Let's do this thing!"

I load up my gun, a determined look on my face. "Take out as many as you can, guys! We can't let Merripen wreck the place!"

"You heard her, guys!" Fan shouted, holding up some sort of sword. "Let's take 'em all out!"

We all rush forward together as a group, heading to the next block, where a bunch of monsters were storming about. I begin shooting at them as fast as I could, Fan covering for me as he slashes at some as hard as he could. From the corner of my eye, I see Paintbrush manage to tackle one of them to the ground, delivering constant blows to the face.

"Hell yeah!" Test Tube screams, blasting down some more monsters that were approaching our way. "Come and get some, you jeebweezing snollygosters!"

"Yeah! Go Test—woah!" Paintbrush suddenly cries out, a monster picking them up and roaring in their face. "Hey! Put me down, asshole!" They kicked the monster in its snout, only for it to get angry, tightening its grip on them momentarily before they let go, roaring as OJ yanks a bloodied axe out of the creature's back.

"Nice one, OJ!" Balloon exclaims.

"Thanks!" OJ grins. "This is actually kinda fun!" He swings at more monsters, blood splattering on his clothing. "Take that! And that!"

"Yeah! Go, OJ!" Paintbrush cheers, rushing over to help their brother. We continue to fight, slashing, punching, shooting, blood splashing everywhere as monster bodies come crashing down. We're fighting with as much force as we can muster, but for every creature that falls, several more come to attack us and avenge their fallen brethren.

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