Crystalline Cries

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AN: Warning for blood and violence stuff!
This is where the plot begins to get good! Hope you all remembered Candle's words from chapter seventeen. :)

 "Candle?" Handbag's voice echoed through Candle's head as her best friend stared at her, eyes full of concern. "Are you okay? You've been super quiet today."

"Well, it's..." Candle sighed, staring up at the stars above them. "I've been having these freaky dreams lately."

Handbag sat up. "What do you mean, 'freaky dreams'?"

" know how you say you hallucinate sometimes when you're on cold medicine? It was like that, but..." she trails off, glancing away. "Merripen shows up. A lot. And in them, you..." Candle stops, closing her eyes tightly so she wouldn't cry, but it doesn't stop the tears from pricking at her eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay!" Handbag quickly moved to comfort her friend, wrapping her arms around her. "Nothing's gonna happen to me. Merripen's just some stuck-up little prick, he won't take me down so easily!"

Candle chuckled softly, wiping tears from her eyes. "I know, but...I'm afraid that he's gonna drive us apart. Whether it's by making us fight, or if he...kills one of us. And...I don't wanna lose my best friend."

"Then...we'll make a blood pact!"


"A blood pact! Y'know, how in the movies two people exchange their blood while making a promise that they keep for life!" Handbag dug in her pocket, pulling out a small switchblade, grinning up at her friend.

"So, we make our friendship a blood pact?" Candle tilted her head.

"Yeah! You can do the actual pact part, if you want. You know I'm not good with written speeches and junk."

"Okay then." Candle watched as Handbag cut her hand with the switchblade, before handing the knife to the purple-haired girl for her to do the same. Candle sliced her hand in a quick, sharp motion, wincing as blood oozed from the wound. They brought their bleeding hands together, staring into each other's eyes as their blood mingled. "So, I just...say what's on my mind, then?"

Handbag nodded. "Doesn't have to be super formal."

"Okay then." Candle took a deep breath. "I, Candle, swear that me and my best friend, Handbag, will stay together for the rest of our lives, no matter what Merripen throws at us, no matter how hard they try to tear us apart, we will form a link that is tied with our own blood."

Candle sighed sadly, staring off at the wall of her private room. That was years ago, but the memory was still fresh in her mind as she replayed it over and over again, as if it had only occurred yesterday. She stared down at her hand, the same hand that had a small scar from their blood pact.

She couldn't help but miss her every day.

Her train of thought was interrupted by some soft knocks on the door. Candle quickly wiped the tears from her face, not wanting who was potentially one of her children to see her crying. "Come in!"

"Uh, Candle?" Suitcase hesitantly opened the door, clenching the strap of her bag tightly. "You're not busy today, are you?"

"Suitcase?" Candle sat up straighter. "I didn't know Baseball was dropping you off."

"No, I came by myself. I...wanted to talk to you." The young girl dug the heel of her foot into the carpet. "I would have told Baseball about it,'s about Mom, and even then I don't think he would say anything anyways."

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