Welcome to the Fellowship of the Bleeding Eyes

405 8 15

AN: Warnings for guns, blood, mentions of death/violence
This is probably the longest chapter of Hidden Mysteries to date! Honestly, extremely surprised with myself for getting this out so fast, motivation is one hell of a drug.
Also gonna say this here since I got asked this on Instagram, fanart for this AU is completely okay with all the credits! Just wanted to get that out there. :)

"What...I don't..." Fan shakes his head to clear it, clearly just as confused as I am. "That can't be Candle...can it?"

Balloon squeezes through Test Tube and Fan, reading the plaque. "Looks like it is. That's her name there, right? Candle Thinker?"

"It is, but..." Test Tube twirls a strand of hair around her finger. "How did Candle get involved with the Fellowship? I don't understand."

"It's not just Candle." I point slowly to the picture next to Candle's, staring with wide eyes at the familiar smug look and uptight demeanor of none other than Candle's husband, Silver Spoon.

"Silver Spoon?!" Fan shrieks.

"So...so Paintbrush and OJ's parents are secret society members?" Test Tube gasps. "Oh golly...this is a lot to take in..."

"And opens more questions," I add frantically, beginning to pace back and forth. "How did they get involved with the Fellowship? Were they the members spotted near my house all those years ago? A-And is anyone from my family—"

"Suitcase!" Balloon grabs my shoulders, shaking me slightly. "Come on, calm down for a second, okay? Your brain is gonna plotz if you keep overthinking this situation."

"I..." I sigh, knowing Balloon was right. "You're right, it's just...everything just got so complicated so fast."

"I know. But we're gonna figure this out. All together."

I nod quietly, grasping my bag. "Okay. I'm...going to go on ahead. I just need to clear my head for a minute."

"You sure you'll be okay?" Fan asks. "Do you need one of us to come with you?"

"No, I'm fine. I gather my thoughts better when I'm alone. Besides, there's nobody here, so we should be okay." I wave him off. "But just in case I'll yell if I'm being kidnapped or something."

"Okay, got it." Balloon nods. "But be careful anyways."

"I will. I promise." I smile back at my friends before going to venture down the long, dark, hallway. I don't pay any attention to the pictures on the walls, but it feels like the photographs of all the past and present fellowship members are staring at me, with an unsettling gaze that made me feel a kind of nausea that I've never experienced before.

I take a deep breath, quickening my pace while staring straight ahead. I don't want to think about that right now. It hurts my head and I don't know why.

"Wouldn't you like to find out, little lady?"

I gasp sharply as I whirl around, nearly dropping my flashlight as I pulled out my gun. "W-Who goes there?! I'm not afraid to use this if I have to!"

"You may not be afraid, but you're hesitant, aren't you, dear?" The voice sounded like it was coming from behind me, hissing right in my ear, but when I turned around, ready to fire, there was nothing there. "And even then, I'm not even here, though I am."

"What?" I whisper, the hand with the gun shaking slightly as I lower it. "Who...who are you?"

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that information just yet." The voice starts to fade away, beginning to disappear just as suddenly as it had arrived. "But I will say that I'll be very, very happy to finally meet you in person...Suitcase."

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