I'll Miss You More Than Anything

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AN: Warnings for major character death, mentions of injuries and blood
The next chapter's gonna take a while, so...enjoy this heavily. :)

"We've done all we can to stop the bleeding, but he's already lost a lot of blood...there's not much else we can do, especially considering our current situation. I'm sorry."

The medic's words seemed to echo in Handbag's head as she stared down at Nickel, who was on a cot on the floor, his body wrapped in bandages. He was close to death's door; he knew it, Handbag knew it, and so did Balloon, who had been gifted with the unfortunate luck of being the first one to spot Nickel being dragged in by Charon, screaming once he saw that the silver-haired man was bleeding all over the floor.

"Oh God, Nickel," she finally whispered, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. You never deserved this, you shouldn't have to be the one dying here..."

"Handbag. It's okay, really." Nickel's voice was hushed, quiet as he glanced up at Handbag with a somber smile. "Just as we all knew this day would come eventually, we all knew that one of us wasn't going to make it out alive. I never told anyone, but...part of me always knew it was going to be me. And even then, it was to make sure Suits and Baseball were safe."

"Nickel," Balloon started, at first unsure of what he wanted to say. "I know that you never liked me, but I'm just—I wish that maybe we had more time together. That maybe, with time...I could maybe show you I was a good person."

Nickel chuckled weakly, looking up at Balloon. "Balloon, it was never that I thought you were bad. Maybe it came off like that, but..." He sighed, a melancholic look crossing his face. "I was just scared that I would lose Suitcase. After all, I promised her mom that I'd make sure she'd grow up into a woman that Handbag would have been proud to meet."

"Really? You did?"

"He sure did," Handbag replied, smiling sadly. "And I think he did a great job doing that."

"You're a good kid, Balloon. I mean that," Nickel said to the salmon-haired boy. "Suitcase, she really cares about you, and I know you feel the same way. So please, when I'm gone, promise me. Promise you'll look after her for me."

"I will, Nickel." Balloon's voice was soft, but had a hint of determination to it. "I promise."

"Thank you. It means a lot." Nickel grimaced in pain as he turned to Handbag. "And Handbag, I have a request for you, too. Go ahead, reach in my left pocket."

Handbag looked puzzled at first, but quickly did so, pulling out a small, black box. She glanced at Nickel, who gave her a small nod. She slowly opened it, her eyes widening slightly as she stared at the ring inside.

"Oh my gosh," Handbag said in a hushed voice, her eyes wide with wonder. "Nickel, were you going to..."

"I was," Nickel replied with a slow nod. "I was planning on doing it a bit after Suits' birthday, but..." His soft, sad laughter quickly faded, pain shooting through his body. "We may have gotten together after you left, but Baseball never truly stopped loving you. He kept hoping that you'd return someday, even though we all knew that the chances of that happening were nonexistent. Heh, guess we were all wrong in that sense, huh?" His chuckles did nothing to distract Balloon and Handbag from the weak groans that followed shortly after. "He was going to ask you to marry him. Talked about how he was going to wait until Suitcase was a little older, so she could be the cutest flower girl you'd ever seen. I know you two still care deeply for each other, even after all the years you've spent apart. So, put that ring to good use, alright?"

"I..." Handbag couldn't stop her hands from shaking as they closed the box carefully, holding it close to her. "I mean, I want to, but..."

"Handbag, you and Baseball are meant to be with each other. In all honesty, if I could go back and do anything, I'd go back to the day you left and try to insist on taking your place so you and Baseball could still be together." Nickel weakly reached a hand up and placed it on Handbag's. "I understand that it'll take Baseball time, but...fufill Baseball's wishes for me, okay? If I'm going to die tonight...I at least want to die knowing that he'll be with his soulmate, in the end."

Handbag blinked back tears, putting the box in her pocket slowly. "Okay."

The door suddenly swung open, a worried-looking Baseball bursting in, eyes darting around the room before they fell onto Nickel, his face falling as he rushed over to the smaller man. Suitcase was following behind him, her shoulder patched up with gauze and medical tape (courtesy of Lifering, of course), tears pricking at her eyes.

"Nickel!" she gasped, falling on her knees next to her stepfather. "Oh my God, this is all my fault, isn't it? If I had just—"

"Suitcase, hey. It's okay, don't cry. You too, Baseball." Nickel weakly sat up, grabbing his boyfriend and stepdaughter's hands limply. "I'm sorry that I lied to you both, I really am. But if I have to give my life to make sure you two get to live the rest of yours to the fullest, I'll welcome death with open arms."

"No, no, no, you can't leave me too!" Suitcase wrapped her arms around Nickel tightly, her body shaking as she sobbed. "I-I know we don't agree on a lot, but I don't want to lose you, I...you've been there for me for so long, I just..."

"I know. And it hurts me too, kid." Nickel's voice was hushed as he returned the hug. "I'm sorry it has to happen like this. I don't want to leave you either, but...this sort of thing has to happen sometimes. But looking at you now, I think that you'll come out of this stronger than you were before. You get that from both Handbag and Baseball; you've got guts, and a lot of them. I used to think that you'd never be able to survive if you were in this situation, but look at you now."

Suitcase sniffled, wiping her tears away with her sleeve before looking back up at Nickel. "I'm going to stop Merripen. For everyone. You shouldn't have to die like this."

The dying man chuckled weakly, ruffling her hair. "Attagirl. Don't ever stop fighting for what you believe is right, Suits. It's a good characteristic to have."

"I won't, Nickel." Suitcase's voice broke, her body shaking terribly. "I-I'll never stop fighting. For you."

Baseball finally let the sobs he was holding back tumble out, leaning against Nickel as he cried, gently cradling his boyfriend in his arms.

"Nickel," was all he could blubber. "I hoped it wouldn't have come to this. Sometimes I imagined it would be me here, but...but not you."

"Oh, Baseball, you big softie." Nickel kissed the tears away from Baseball's cheek, smiling softly. "I love you, buddy. You and Handbag take care of Suits real good, okay? We'll all see each other again one day, big guy."

"I know," Baseball mumbled, holding Nickel tighter. "I know."

Suitcase joined in on the hug, followed by Handbag soon after. The family shared a long, tender hug that seemed to last forever, but also felt like it was too little hug. Eventually, everyone parted, but Suitcase still held on, tears pricking her eyes.

"Nickel?" she whispered. "This is probably selfish to ask in your last moments, but...can you sing to me? One last time?"

Nickel chuckled weakly, smiling at his stepdaughter, for what he knew was going to be the last time. "Of course."

Suitcase held onto him tightly, letting the tears stream down her face as she listened to Nickel sing.

As the poppies and marigolds wilt away,

our love for you will bloom, our dear,

shining down on you forever and always

as you lay beneath the moon's rays.

Nickel felt weaker, and with this feeling, he knew that the end was near. But with all the energy he had left, he uttered the last verse, everything going black.

So rest your head now, my dear,

Until you see the morning light.

And as I close my eyes and drift away

I'll say I love you, and one last goodnight.

And with one last sigh, Nickel went completely limp in Suitcase's arms, a peaceful look crossing over his face as the life left his body.

"Nickel?" Suitcase gasped, shaking her stepfather, even though she knew it was pointless. "Nickel, wake up! N-Nickel?"

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