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"What?!" Fan screams.

"Handbag was my mother's name," I explain. "Baseball's shown me letters my mom used to write him back in the day. This is her handwriting, clear as day."

"I didn't know your mom knew the owner of this place, Suitcase," Balloon says.

"Neither did I. Baseball never told me anything about Mom knowing this owner guy." I stand up, staring at the letter. "And she mentions...the journal. In the letter."

"But we haven't told anyone about the journal we found that night!" Fan blurts out. "Not our families, or our teachers...I haven't even told Test Tube, for Christ's sake, and she's my best friend! We tell each other everything!"

"Yeah, as far as we know, nobody knows about the journals but us," Balloon agrees. "So there's no way Suitcase's mom could know!"

"Unless..." I trail off, picking up the letter. I can feel my friends' eyes on me as I reread the letter silently, not sure how to say what's on my mind.

"Unless, what?" Fan asks slowly.

"Unless...she was connected to the journals somehow." I turn to face Balloon and Fan. "This is a guess, but...judging by the letter's tone, I think she had some background with the journals. I'm not sure what it is, but...I think as a result, she saw something. Something that she shouldn't have seen, and it put herself and the rest of my family in danger."

"Do you think that danger could have...done her in?" Fan asked slowly. He didn't know how my mom had died, only that she had around the time when I was born.

"No, that couldn't be." Balloon shook his head. "Suitcase told me that her mom died giving birth to her. There really isn't anything else that could have caused her death."

"Well...not exactly?" I didn't mean for my statement to come out as a question, but it did anyways. "I mean, my mom was close friends with my babysitter's parents, and...they're pretty rich..."

"What are you saying?" Fan tilts his head.

"Well, assuming that Candle and Silver Spoon got involved in this too, there's a chance that Silver could have paid the hospital and a bunch of other legal guys to forge some things, and..."

"Sweep your mom's actual cause of death under the rug?" Balloon finishes, his eyes widening as he sees my nod.

"But why?" Fan asks, glancing at the both of us. "Why would Silver Spoon go so far to hide the real cause of Suitcase's mom's death?"

"Yeah! And what about Mr. Baseball? Does he know?"

"I don't know," I admit, looking around the room. "But one thing's for sure. There's so much more about my mom than what I was told. And I'm not gonna rest until I find out the truth."


September 14th

We found a letter in the old museum. A letter from Mom, to the owner. I think she was connected to the journals somehow. Fan thinks it might have to do with her death, that she really didn't die giving birth to me like I thought. I don't think Baseball knew, though. He'd tell me if something else happened to her, wouldn't he? He's been completely transparent when it comes to the subject of my mother, so why would he tell me that she died due to birth complications if he knew that she died of something else?

We also found another journal! I'm going to look through it later, maybe when everyone else is asleep. For now I've been hiding them in a secret compartment near by bed that I found when I was seven. I mostly hid stuff like my Halloween candy and homemade Christmas or birthday gifts for my family in there, but I'm pretty sure it's the only place nobody will go poking around in.

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