The Blood Oath

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These words are not the beginning of a journal, but the beginning of a series of discoveries awaiting to happen.

Today, the three of us were unfortunate witnesses of an event that none of us thought would ever come into reality. And due to that event, we have come into the realization that nothing here in the town of Hatchwood, Ohio, is at all what it seems to be, and we all wish to know more, for the sake of knowledge, sating our curiosity, and most importantly, the safety of those we care for and hold deeply to our hearts.

We do not know what this journey will entail. We do not know where it will lead us, or what twists and turns this path will take us on. But the one thing we do know, is that we will not leave any stone unturned in this quest to uncover the truth of what is really real here in Hatchwood.

So today, at a quarter past midnight on September ninth, 20XX, us three, Suitcase Slams, Balloon Sinkers, and Fan Lights swear to this blood oath that we will not rest until we learn the truth of what is going on in our hometown, or else the rotting blood consume our souls and kill us.

Signed, the supernatural investigators of Hatchwood,

Fan Lights, age seventeen
Suitcase Slams, age twelve
Balloon Sinker, age twelve

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