now, it truly begins.

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We were condemned to the shadows long ago
hidden away from the commonfolk. Many do not know
the truth of what lurks secretly among the streets
on dark, quiet, deadly feet.

The curse that binds us to the dark
prevents us from revealing who we are
to those that do not know the truth
of what really lies under this town's roots.

All of them used to say
we'd get a chance to strike back one day.
But it was nothing but a ruse, it seems,
so for now we slink around silently, under the moonbeams.

But then, he returned
And shared that he'd learned
An oh-so-ancient prophecy
that could finally allow us to roam free,
a prophecy involving a group of three;

A young boy, who for his loved ones he will fight,
A more matured soul, who records everything in sight,
And important of all, a little girl, with a mind filled of doubt and strife.

We now know the girl is the key
to reclaiming our lost destinies.
We hopefully don't have long to wait
before they succumb to our laid bait.

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