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AN: A chapter told through Balloon's POV! I was originally gonna release this alongside the last chapter but I decided to change some things up with this one at the last minute, lmao. Hope y'all enjoy nonetheless!!

I woke up to my phone alarm blaring in my ear, and a headache.

I fumble for my phone, turning off the alarm and sitting up, blinking sleep out of my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I don't think I've had such a painful headache before, it feels like someone's trying to carve my skull open with a dulled knife.

I'm not surprised. Last night was...I can't describe it. It was scary.

Especially when that...sentry thing attacked Suitcase. She was able to fend it off, but I was so scared for her life I felt like I was going to puke. The thought that I could have lost who was pretty much the only friend I've had in a fraction of a second...

I grit my teeth, getting up and getting dressed. I don't wanna think about it.

Suitcase has the journal now. Me and Fan thought it was for the best; she was the one who found it first, it only felt right she keep it on her until we could figure things out.

I head on downstairs for breakfast, my older brother Blueberry already hunched over a bowl of oatmeal, earbuds jammed in his ears. He pays no attention to me, as usual. Sometimes I wish Blueberry would say more than a few dismissive words when I try to make a conversation ,but on the other hand I could have had worse older teenage brothers, so I'll take what I got.

"Morning, sweetie!" Mom chirps from the stove, stirring what I'm assuming is the oatmeal. "Did you sleep okay last night?"

"I...slept kinda rough," I say slowly, taking my seat next to Blueberry. "I had a pretty freaky nightmare." The part about sleeping rough the night before was the truth, technically, so Mom didn't have to know the second part was a lie.

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that." She spoons some oatmeal into a bowl. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really. I just remember bits and pieces anyways."

Her face scrunches up slightly, clearly worried as always, but sighs softly and places the oatmeal in front of me. "Well, me and your father are always here to talk if you need us. You can tell us anything."

"Not exactly everything," I mumble quietly, pushing the oatmeal around with my spoon.

"Pardon, Balloon?"

"N-Nothing!" I quickly shovel oatmeal into my mouth before Mom could ask me anything else, noticing Dad coming downstairs from the corner of my eye.

"Morning, boys! Morning, Tea Kettle!" I could hear Mom giggle as Dad kissed her on the cheek. "How's everyone doing today?"

"Could be better," Blueberry grumbled, making a hole in the center of his oatmeal.

That's my older brother for you. Always the pessimist.

"I'm going to—" My sentence is interrupted by the phone ringing.

"I'll get it!" Mom chirps, picking up the phone. "Hello, Sinker residence...oh, good morning Baseball!, we're still eating breakfast. ...oh dear, is she alright? ...I see, I see. Yes, I'll tell him. Oh, no need to apologize, I can drop off something later for her. Yes, goodbye."

"Was that Suitcase's father?" Dad asks, pouring his morning cup of coffee.

"Yes, it was. He was just calling to let me know Suitcase was staying home today."

"She's staying home?" My hand grips the spoon in my hand like a vice. "Is she okay?"

"According to Baseball, Suitcase was thrashing and screaming bloody murder in her sleep, poor thing." Mom shakes her head slightly. "She didn't have a fever or anything of the sort, but she was pretty out of it when he woke her up, so he decided it would be for the better if she stayed home to rest."

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