Inner Flames

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AN: Warnings for violence, blood, and sharp objects (swords, knives, spears)
This is most likely the longest chapter of Hidden Mysteries to date, at around 9.1k words! I'm honestly very happy that this is done, and I hope you all enjoy it!

"Do you think this is all a bit much?" Balloon asked, as he and his friend started packing their bags with supplies. "I mean, we're all only going to be gone for a couple hours at most, aren't we?"

"Well, it's better to be too prepared than not prepared at all, right?" Suitcase replied, shoving her handgun in her bag. "Besides, we don't know if Merripen'll show up again."

"Yeah, that's fair," Balloon sighs. "I just hope that they don't kidnap anyone again if he does."

The door opens, Tea Kettle walking inside with a bunch of plastic containers in her hands. "Heya, kids! I heard you two were heading off with Test Tube and Fan, so I made snacks for all four of you!"

"Oh! Thank you, Tea Kettle!" Suitcase thanked her as Balloon took the containers and put them in his bag. "We really appreciate it."

"It's no problem, Suitcase," Tea Kettle replied. "You two have everything you need?"

"We do, Mom," Balloon nodded. "Suitcase has the journals, we've got rope, water, a flashlight and matches, Suitcase has her gun and extra bullets...we're pretty prepared for this."

"Well, almost," Lifering enters the room, holding out something that looked like a package, wrapped up in an old cloth. "Balloon, your mother and I wanted to give you something before you head out, for your journey. We know that you should be fine, since you're not going alone, but with what happened in the cave when we got captured by's better safe than sorry."

Balloon approached the package cautiously, removing the cloth slowly and removing the lid off of the package, revealing a medium-sized crossbow with some sort of strap attached to it, some words carved on the sides. "Oh my God! Is that a crossbow?!"

"It belonged to your great-great grandmother Teapot," Tea Kettle explained. "It's been in my side of the family for generations. We were planning on giving this to you when you were around Blueberry's age, but given the circumstances, we thought it would be in your best interest if we gave it to you now instead."

", thanks Mom," Balloon said sheepishly. "I don't know what to say—thank you."

"What does it say on the bow?" Suitcase asked, gesturing to it. "It's Yiddish, isn't it? I still only know bits and pieces..."

"It's the family motto," Tea Kettle replied. "'You may be a strong fighter alone, but with family, you are unstoppable'."

"Mom's side of the family has always been super family-oriented," Balloon explains, attaching the crossbow to his arm. "It's one of the reasons we're so adamant when it comes to our yearly family reunions."

The front doorbell rang loudly from downstairs, alerting the four of them and causing them to glance downstairs, in the direction of the front door. They all exchanged the same glance; no words needed to be said to what they were thinking.

"Well, here we go, I guess," Balloon said, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Another day, another breakthrough."

"Are you sure you don't want your father and I to come along, sweetie?" Tea Kettle asked. "We respect your decision, of course, but if you're having any doubts..."

"It's not that I have doubts," Balloon replied slowly, grasping the straps of his bag. "It's just that...Suitcase and I have no idea if we'll run into Merripen while we're there. I know you guys are more than capable of defending yourselves, but you nearly got killed and if Suitcase, Test Tube, Fan and I hadn't come along and found you and Dad, we probably wouldn't have even known what had happened to you." He took a deep breath, staring up at his parents. "I understand you two wanna help me and Suitcase out with this, and we appreciate it. But I have to do this alone this time, okay?"

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