At the End of Everything

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Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the end.
I just...I don't know what to say. I never thought that I'd get this far, have this little AU gain so much traction. So...thank you, to everyone who's joined in on the mysteries. I love y'all. <3
Warnings for violence and death

The monsters quickly began to retreat, and everyone quickly crowded together, hushed voices overlapping each other. Those very same creatures had been fighting without any sense of mercy, so why were they stopping now? It just didn't make sense.

"Did something go wrong?" OJ asked quickly. "Mom, why's the army retreating?"

"I don't know, this is...unexpected," Candle slowly replied, playing with a strand of her hair. "I mean, I knew Merripen was unpredictable, but not like this..."

"Look! It's Suitcase's sanguin!" Microphone gasped, pointing in the horizon. "A-And I think I see Test Tube! They got her back!"

Everyone cheered as the sanguin landed, Fan and Paintbrush helping a still dazed Test Tube down to the ground, the green-haired girl leaning on Fan's shoulder to help support herself.

"Test Tube!" Cabby burst through the crowd, rushing over to her daughter, relieved tears streaming down her face. "Oh God, my baby! My baby's home!"

"Mom!" Test Tube cried as her mother hugged her tightly, returning the gesture. "I-I thought I'd never see you again—are Goo and Clover okay?"

"They're fine, sweetheart, we're fine—I'm just glad you're home safe and sound..."

"But what about Suitcase?" Balloon blurted out. "Where is she?!"

"She made us go back," Paintbrush answered. "She told us that Merripen might not be truly defeated, and that she's gonna try and beat him herself, but..." They took a deep breath, looking Baseball and Handbag in the eyes. "Suitcase told us to tell you two she loves you."

As shocked shouting echoed through the crowd, Baseball fell into Handbag's arms and started to sob, scared to death about the fact that his worst fear was going to come true, even after he'd tried his best to protect her for thirteen short years.

"! S-She can't!" Balloon burst through the crowd, making a beeline for the sanguin as tears pricked through his eyes, his mind racing.

"Balloon?!" Tea Kettle gasped, staring wide-eyed at her son as he climbed on. "What are you doing?"

"I can't let her do this! I-I can't!" Balloon cried. "C'mon, giddyup!"

"Balloon, wait!" Handbag rushed over, trying to stop the sanguin from taking flight, but it was already in the air, flying, flying up to Merripen's castle.


Suitcase grasped at her arms, nails digging into her skin as pain coursed throughout her body, tears pricking at her eyes. It felt like it was going on for hours, multicolored lightning surrounding her as the crown did its thing.

"Just breathe," Suitcase gasped, squeezing her eyes shut through the pain. "Keep breathing, Suitcase. It'll all be over once—"


The girl's eyes fluttered open, glancing over just in time to see Balloon leaping off the sanguin before it even landed, rushing over to his friend with watery eyes, his body shaking as he stared at her.

"Balloon?" Suitcase took a step back. "What—"

"Suitcase, please! Don't do this!" Balloon grabbed her hands, staring at her with teary eyes. "I'm begging you, you can't!"

"Balloon, I have to. I—"

"I don't care!" Balloon screamed, the tears running down his face. "Ever since we've met, ever since we've gone on this crazy adventure together, I've felt things I've never felt before! You've done so many things that've impacted my life in so many ways, and I..." He stared down at Suitcase's hands, holding them tighter. "I love you, Suitcase. Not just as a friend, or family. I don't think I could ever completely explain it using words, but..." His voice broke, before he finally broke down into loud sobs, pressing his forehead against Suitcase's, the lightning sending soft tingles through his body as he cried.

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