Author's Note: Thank You!

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On January 28th, 2022, I published the first few chapters of Hidden Mysteries, then titled "Suitcase's Not-So-Average Life". (Awful title, I know.)

Now eight months and over 50 chapters later, we're finally at the end, with over 12k reads, 555 votes, and 1k comments from all of you. If you'd came to me back then and told me that this fic was going to get this far, I would have never believed you.

This is the longest fic I've ever written, and I can't believe it made it this far, so thank you for supporting me. Really.

Before this story comes to a close, though, I wanna acknowledge some people.

Firstly, I'd like to thank @suitysue, whose fics inspired me to start posting on here.

@ollie_over_the_moon on Instagram, for being the #1 Hidden Mysteries fan, and making the wonderful cover art.

@horrorluv, who has been here since the early days of Hidden Mysteries, and whose comments make me chuckle.

@juniperlolz, the best bestie to ever bestie, and whose reactions I highly enjoy. Love ya Juni, stay rad my girl 💕💞

And finally, to all the Hidden Mysteries fans, whether you've been here since chapter one, or you're new to the chaos.

Don't think this is the end, though! I'm working on a new project that all you Hidden Mysteries fans will love, so stick around!

But for now, this is Lexi signing off!

Thank you for coming, thank you for staying, thank you for watching the "show"! <3


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