Chapter 23:

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I wake up and look around.Drew and Trina are nowhere to be found,I assume they went home.I look over at my nightstand where my keys lay.It looks the same,but now a big "J" on it.I smile,Drew is so sweet.I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth and my hair into a ponytail.I walk downstairs to see my dad and Kayla.My dad is holding her by her waist,whispering in her ear.Whatever he says makes her giggle and he kissing her cheek.He looks happier than he has been in a long time.I walk further down the stairs;they notice me,my father lets go of Kayla and she straightens out her skirt.
"Good morning Jasmine."Kayla says and I smile.
"I saw your car it's adorable!"She compliments and I thank her.
"When did you get it?"She asks.
"Drew got it for me yesterday."I tell her and she looks at my dad.
"Be careful,that was a rather extravagant gift."My dad warns.
"He was just being a boyfriend."I defend him.
"Getting you a necklace with you name or a heart on it or even a bracelet is a gift a boyfriend gives you.A car is a husband gift."He counters.
"Well it's a great thing that I do not give a damn what you say dad."I spit and walk upstairs.I hear Kayla gasp before I shut my door.Who does he think he is,that car was the sweetest gift ever.Here he is flaunting around his girlfriend who looks like she could be my friend.I go to my drawer and dig for it,but I can't find it.Finally,i find the last picture my mother drew and the last picture that we took.I hold the objects to my chest and start to cry.I can't be in this house anymore,i got to my drawer and grab sweats and a white t-shirt.I put them on and put on a hoodie and Uggs.I grab my black purse and pack it.I sit on my bed and sigh.I change my phone case three times before deciding on a cheetah print one.I finally grab my keys off of the nightstand and walk out of the room.I see my dad and Kayla still sitting in the kitchen.
"Jasmine,let's talk."Kayla says and I roll my eyes and keep walking.When I get out to my car,I drop the hood.I start to drive I have no idea where I am going,but I had to get out of that house.I find myself at Eric's apartment.I go up to the door and open it.I remember him telling me he never locks his door.When I walk in him and another guy are sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching football.Eric looks up and smiles.I smile back and his friend looks between and walks to his room,bringing his beer with him.I walk over to the couch and sit down.
"Hey."He greets me.
"Hey."I answer back.I tell about my car,leaving out Drew
"So what did you do yesterday?"He asks and my stomach drops.Should I tell him.Yes,he deserves the truth.
"Well,Drew and I had a picnic."I say and his face falls.
"Oh."He says,with a frown set on his perfect face.
"And he asks me a question."I continue and Eric nods.
"The question was would I marry him."The minute u say the words sadness turns into anger on his face.
"Is he out of his mind!"He is yelling now.
"What did you say?"He half ask,half yells.
"I said I needed to think about it."I tell him.
"You can't possibly be thinking about saying yes to him!You're eighteen your too young!"He is screaming now and his roommate is out of his room.
"You don't get to decide that!This is my life!"Now I am getting irritated.
"I don't give a damn about that!You are eighteen your not even in college yet and you wanna throw your life away for some guy you just met!"He counters.
"I had just met you!"I yells and he looks down.
"And look where the hell we are now!"He says and I sigh.
"That's because your insane!"I yell and he turns a shade of red,I never thought possible.
"Get the hell out!"He yells and I grab my bag and leave,slamming the door behind me.I walk out to my car and when I am finally in my car I rest my head against the steering wheel and start to cry.Why does he care so much?I pick up my head and drive to Drew's house.I ring the doorbell and I swear I hear Drew bust his butt coming to the door.I laugh and he answers,smiling.
"What's so funny?"He asks and I giggle.
"You just busted your ass."I laugh and he chuckles.
"You can't prove that."He says teasingly.
"Where have you been all day?"He asks me.
"A friend's house."I tell him and he nods.I didn't lie,but I didn't tell the truth either.
"Where's Trina?"I ask.
"She met some guy at a party,and now they are on a date."He answers and I nod.
"Was he cute?"I asks jokingly and he lifts me up and I squeal.When get to his room he closes the door with his foot and throws me on the bed.He get on top of me,but rest his weight on his elbows.He leans closer and our lips touch.Our simple kiss turns into making out then the rest was a blur.We fall asleep in each other arms I know now that I love Drew,I never want to leave him.When I wake up the next morning I try to get up but I wince and sit back down.Drew grabs my waist and I decide lay back down.Drew stirs next to me and sits up.
"Good morning beautiful."He greets me with a sleepy smile.
"Hey."I say and it is barely a whisper.I don't know if I should act differently toward Drew,after what we did last night.
"Are you feeling okay?"He asks me and I nod.
"Are you hungry?"He asks me and I shake my head.Then I realize,i didn't eat Sunday or yesterday.
"Actually yea,i'll eat."I say and he nods.
"Where do you wanna go?"He asks.
"Umm Denny's has pretty good French toast."I say.
"Yea it is pretty good."He says.We get dressed in silence I wear jeans and a tank top that I left here and he puts on jeans and a gray shirt.I put on some of Trina's sandals.
Drew's POV
Jazzy looks uncomfortable, I know what we did last night but it's not like I am gonna change.I grab her hand and she smiles.Maybe something else is bothering her.
"Are you okay?"I ask her and she nods and smiles,but it doesn't meet her eyes.I open the door for her and she gets in;I go on the other side and get in.
"Jasmine,I know what we did last night,but you don't have to act any different.aim still the same Drew and your still Jasmine,just a slightly more.....enlightened version of Jasmine."I assure her.She nods slowly and I kiss her on the forehead and start to drive.I need her to know that I love her.
Jasmine's POV
Drew's confession made me feel a lot better.Breakfast goes well and when we get back to his house we just watch Netflix for the rest of the day,I cook for dinner and we fall asleep on American Horror Story.
(Hello beautiful people!So I don't write out sex scenes cause "dat nasty" do they will not be any in here.That is Jasmine's outfit, car,and ring.So vote and comment.I love you guys!😘❤️)

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