Maddam sir (hard drive story)

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1. Haseena Malik didn't did any investigation on Pushpa Singh.
Some secrets of Pushpa Singh might be revealed in later episodes.

Suspect Predictions:

[2. Mira was a machine was known to Ajay Bakshi; so he might had hacked Mira and ordered to kill Haseena Malik, ordered the truck driver to throw Haseena Malik in the cliff, he might had acted to save Haseena Malik to gain her trust into giving him the hard disk.

3. The DSP sir because he had assigned Mira to Mahila Police Thana and the man who hacked Mira mentioned that Mira was his secret weapon, DSP had contact with the manufacturers of Mira so it would be easy for him to get Mira hacked by someone or maybe himself hack Mira.
And on the day Mira was terminated, he arrived in the police station unexpectedly and in great worry/tension.

4. The officer who was shown with Anubhav Singh in the episode where Anubhav Singh was watching on the television, that the children were caught as hostage in the birthday party of a boy by the boy's father.

5. (not a suspect) Pushpa Singh (not a suspect) but may be she is somehow connected to the case;
i) in a previous episode she was shown that there were some previous case files about which only she had knowledge which she was ordered to deliver in the department,
ii) she gets calls from an unknown person troubling her,
iii) it is shown what Pushpa Singh says to him but the person is never shown or what he says to her,
iv)Pushpa Singh might also be the secret agent about whom the hacker wants to know.
v) Pushpa Singh always wanted to solve a case, she always claims to Karishma Singh, so this might be the case which would be solved by Pushpa Singh.
vi) In a previous episode, Pushpa Singh took a leave saying she had to attend a relative's wedding, did she went to the wedding or she went for something related to the unclassified cases in the guise of attending the wedding ceremony.
vii) Is Pushpa Singh hiding something from her family.
viii) Who is the person that calls Pushpa Singh and troubles her; why is she not complaining about it to DSP or Haseena Malik or Karishma Singh.

6. The two goons always mention the hacker as the captain.
Maybe it is the hacker's fake name or his designation in the department.

7. Who is Ajay Bakshi, is he related to Karishma Singh or Pushpa Singh.

8. Is Mira terminated permanently or she will return or the man liking Haseena Malik is actually Mira in the man's guise about whom even Haseena Malik not knows, it might be Pushpa Singh's work.

9. Was Mira made for increasing law and order efficiency or she was a secret weapon in the guise of the 'law and order efficiency'.
About which someone might had the clue.

10. Who created the hard disk and why not destroy the hard disk and it's data.

11. Mira might not just be a law robot but some kind of a secret weapon.
And the robot manufacturing company might be doing something big and illegal.

12. Why exactly are they behind the hard disk,just for the names of secret agents or more and the secret agent who had it to whom was he going to deliver it, maybe to:
i) Ajay Bakshi
ii) Head of the secret agents.
(The secret agents might have a head who guide them about whom even the secret agents don't know).
iii) might be Pushpa Singh.

13. The face given to Mira might have been taken from some inspiration or a alive/dead person's face.

14. Will Mira's character be shown again or is it's story finished.

15. Will reporter Sunny be shown again or not.

Maddam Sir  ( Fanmade ) [Vanshaj x Maddam Sir] Maddam Sir S2Where stories live. Discover now