Hard drive story-part 2

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1. The boss a.k.a Ajay Bakshi seems like a villian in the love story of Anubhav Singh and Haseena Malik sometimes.
i) First, Ajay Bakshi ordered Anubhav Singh to fake love with Haseena Malik.

ii) Next, he unexpectedly arrives to Anubhav Singh after hearing Anubhav Singh-Haseena Malik engagement and orders Anubhav Singh to break off the engagement & betray Haseena Malik, second time.

iii) And now, he saves Haseena Malik genuinely or intentionally and orders to create a fake identity of Urmila Mahadev Mhatare, cross-check her police station team's loyalty of whom she didn't much investigated on Pushpa Singh and the unknown phone calls to her, betray Anubhav Singh in the same way how he betrayed her two times.

2. It seems like The current "hard drive" case is related to the case for which Ajay Bakshi ordered him to break the engagement as shown in episode no. 268.

3. But as a matter of fact, if Ajay Baksh hadn't ordered Anubhav Singh to fake love with Haseena Malik; they both wouldn't know about each other & falling in love with each other would a far topic.

4. Ajay Bakshi was like a medium because of whom Anubhav Singh and Haseena Malik met, then began to know each other, fall in love with each other.
And the same Ajay Bakshi like a villain in a love story orders Anubhav Singh to break his engagement with Haseena Malik and orders Haseena Malik to keep her fake identity & fake love in her fake identity with Anubhav Singh to know his true intentions for hard drive.

5. They might have the details of the secret agents elsewhere, so why not destroy the hard drive; Are they keeping it as a bait to know the traitor or is it the only thing on which they have the details of the secret agents.

6. Why is Ajay Bakshi not ordering to destroy the hard drive, am I the only one thinking that why the hard drive is delivered or kept extremely safe, why not just destroy it and if it is the only copy or the source of the information then inform all the secret agents (but doing so will reveal their identity) about it and find a solution in which whoever the traitor can't do it again (which they fear might happen even if they destroyed it), if the hard drive is destroyed then the mysterious traitor would stop wasting his/her time behind Haseena Malik or the hard drive.

7. The traitor might be someone who wants a revenge with the secret agents and not just for huge sum of money sake, it might be something due to emotional reasons or mental reasons; for whom the traitor is working wants to know the head of secret agents group.
And the other for whom the traitor is working might had took advantage of his emotional revenge with the secret agents into doing so or the traitor wants to become the head of the secret agents & both of them want to know the head's identity, that's why they are so desperate for hard drive.
Or they are in the search of the head because he/she knows their masterplan which is somehow connected to Mira's making or manufacturing about which the traitor doesn't know due to blinded by revenge/greed.Even Ajay Bakshi might/may not know about the head's or this secret agent's identity.
So, the boss of the traitor want to kill the secret agent/head secret agent before he/she gives the information to the department.

9. Why are they still showing the poster with Mira when the show starts, because Mira was terminated permanently or are they showing Mira again.

10. Is the "hard drive" case somehow related to the real purpose for which AI Mira was created and the traitor did mentioned that Mira was a secret weapon. Was Mira an experiment of secret weapons and some secret agent came to know of it ,so he/she went undercover and investigated on this mysterious traitor, the minion of this traior retrieved the data of secret agents to know the identity of the secret agent who was creating troubles in their masterplan and the minion got the identity but his plan got failed because of Vikrant and Vikrant was delivering it to Ajay Bakshi but he somehow got caught. Ajay Bakshi is trying to get to the head/the secret agent who knows about the traitor and his/her masterplan.

11. The traitor might have a boss or he is working for himself/herself. The laboratory or the company which built AI Mira might be the mysterious traitor's "secret cave in plain sight".

12. The bag in which the hard disk is there, was with Anubhav Singh in episode no.268 when he was leaving for the mission.

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