Sameer-Jyoti case & Comments.

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1.)  It looks like Sameer is fooling or cheating Jyoti for some reason because:

1. In episode 648, when Pushpa Singh asked if there is some trouble then register report to her police station, he (Sameer) denied and Jyoti dragged him to "Chinagari Gang" by emotional pressure
(Sameer was totally not interested to go to police station or Chinagari Gang) 

2. The whole time Jyoti was tensed for Sameer but Sameer was neither tensed for Jyoti nor interested in their marriage/"safely marrying and happily after" thing and getting beaten by in-laws if caught, just eating pizza and givng excuse of nothing is worth it, nothing will pay off.

3. Sameer was hesitating to sign on the paper given by Chinagari Gang.

4. Sameer became super tensed on arrival of  Karishma Singh in Rangrez Gali.

5. Sameer was giving excuses to somehow get away from Rangrez Gali.

6. Sameer didn't comforted Jyoti, was not tensed of getting beaten by "soon to be in-laws" for running and marrying their daughter and was just tensed because he wanted to eat some restaurant food or hotel food, etc.

7. Sameer still escaped the "safe den" for pizza even though knowing his "soon to be in-laws" will abduct him and beat blue-black for his deed (in sense very illogic of him) and he got abducted.

8. Sameer was irritated or tensed with Shivani's call for safety, he (Sameer) even switched his phone off because maybe he (Sameer) was fraud marrying her (Jyoti) and leave her (Jyoti) by taking away her (Jyoti) wealth & property, so he (Sameer) was tensed that before marrying her (Jyoti), he (Sameer) gets caught then neither Chinagari Gang would leave him nor police will leave him.
(But maybe they will make it dramatic like "he is a boy then... and she is a girl then..." type thing)

9. In episode 648, he (Sameer) was telling a persuasive or tensed Jyoti, nothing will pay off, it's worthless going there, and then he (Sameer) was emotionally blackmailed by Jyoti, so he went heartlessly.

2.) By looking on the way Sameer was signing, escaping safe house/den for eating pizza without tension of soon to be in-laws waiting for a chance to teach him lesson,not giving a thought on Shivani's call, cutting the call and switching off the phone; Shivani understood the story is not a love story at all, something else.

3.) In next episode trailer, it seems like Jyoti gets abducted in front of her parents and police station, then maybe it will be shown like Jyoti's parent will taunt them and then reporters swarm, it becomes a breaking news; so in this case, it will be shown that "Chinagari Gang" and "Mahila Police Thana" are working together.

4.) Who abducted Sameer and Jyoti will become tensed or fall in trouble, if it becomes a breaking news.
but, then they maybe abducted by:-

1. Sameer's parents abducted Jyoti and Jyoti's parents abducted Sameer.

2. Sameer's parents abducted Sameer and Jyoti's parents abducted Jyoti.

3. Sameer's relatives abducted Jyoti and Jyoti's relatives abducted Sameer.

4. "One-side lover" abducted Sameer and "One-side lover" abducted Jyoti.

5. [Story maybe like] Jyoti and Sameer faked their abduction and love story to run & marry their own lovers. It is all fake neither Jyoti loves Sameer nor Sameer loves Jyoti, they made-up love story, rented thugs to abduct them and marry their own lovers and come home, happily after.

5.) While solving this case together ("Chinagari Gang" and "Mahila Police Thana"), [maybe] it will be shown like due to Chitta's rude behavior and his past deed in bank van robbery case, Binni would give some tough love to Chitta. And maybe somehow Chitta starts to fall in love with Binni but at the end would cheat her like Anubhav Singh cheated Haseena Malik.

6.) The way Binni rides bike scene is nice. In episode 638, the scene where Binni and Karishma were riding bikes side-by-side was nice.

7.) [Thoughts]
It's really nice to see at least they stick to cop stories though some police facts missing but still, they stick to cop stories.

So many stories, new-new stories, like Haseena Malik's Father's stories, Mother's story, Godfather's story; Pushpa Singh's troublesome in-laws story, son's stories, husband's stories, strange man calling and taunting; Chitta's personal problem stories and the way he lives happy even in such situations; Karishma Singh's family stories like Anubhav Singh, Anubhav Singh's mother (though not shown), Kareena (twin sister), Father's story, Mentor's story, her life stories during training and college life were nice though fantasy or fiction but really something new, different, interesting;Personal reporter's stories.

Such strange cases, strange ways to solve the unusual, strange cases. Liked the robot story track, cyber crime story tracks, gas cylinder case story , Chinagari Story track, really nice and entertaining.

So many innovative, unique story tracks and cases, really makes it worth seeing. The case stories are so diverse, and they don't make it lengthy.

Chinagari Gang story track "cop case stories" or any story track "cop case stories" are also like not made "boring dramaful", no unnecessarily stretching , thrilling, twist, fun and the best part they didn't converted it into "saas-bahu atyachaar" drama.
(The in-middle short scenes of Karishma Singh and Pushpa Singh like Pushpa Singh taunting Karishma Singh is funny, Pushpa Singh acting as progressive mother-in-law is awesome, Pushpa Singh worrying of Karishma Singh is nice,etc. are nice and entertaining.)

The best part of the serial is they are showing all phases of love or life, not just like one man and woman and love story (love story of Anubhav and Haseena was confusing, interesting, thrilling, suspense, nemesis-type,shocking,mystery) , they are showing mentor-apprentice relation, friends relation, mother-child relation, progressive and matured mother-in-laws - independent and bold daughter-in-law relation, colleagues relation, fake relation, fraud relation, friends-for-benefit relation, nemesis relation, frenemis relation, godparent-child relation, Namesake mother-child relation (if counting the length of cop case stories, no. of cop case stories in months, it's creative; Cop case stories in context meaning a case came in police station and solved another case came and solved, the time between them and the no. of cases shown coming in the station in the month, it's creative.) 

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