The new promo predictions

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1. The famous NCB case in Mahila Police Thana also.

2. Karishma Singh and DSP was requesting her to tell something to media otherwise she will be blamed for it, what is she trying to hide.
This may be a trap setup by famous Misri Pandey, Misri Pandey is trapping her to revenge Mahila Police Thana & Karishma Singh or this is a trap for Karishma Singh but Haseena Malik took it on herself.

3. Haseena Malik is really drug adict or is trying to save someone.

4. Is this a part of Haseena Malik's plan or her father/mother were drug adict.

5. It is going to be exciting . Anubhav Singh was working on Haseena Malik drug case and trapped her & this was his plan to trap or save Haseena Malik. He knew this was going to happen.

6. Anubhav Singh had pinned Haseena Malik as target in his photo and had many details on her. Was he working on drugs case and Haseena Malik has a role in the plan.

7. This news might be a revenge from Laveena mam.

8. After Haseena Malik, who will be the S.H.O, will it be Misri Pandey or someone else, then Misri Pandey will take full revenge with Karishma Singh.

9. How will Haseena Malik save herself and Mahila Police Thana.

10. Haseena Malik will be saved by Anubhav Singh or someone else. How will she save herself. In this case, she might take help of the neta who promised to help her.

11. In episode 6, Mr. Tuteja was telling S.H.O Haseena Malik to call her boss and then sees Karishma Singh & keeps quiet. Then Haseena Malik tells him that she is the in charge of the Mahila Police Thana, why did Mr Tuteja told Haseena Malik to call her boss when a S.H.O is the in charge of the police station.

12. Who will be the Narcotics Department head, would he/she close Mahila Police Thana or save Mahila Police Thana and support saying that Haseena Malik is innocent and show proofs collected by DSP Anubhav Singh for Haseena Malik innocence.

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