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No one pov:
Espresso and Madeleine were going to a bus with latte but what they didn't knew is that latte would leave them to be alone have have a date.
"Oh I have to go to the bathroom hold on and get on the bus!" Latte lying for them to have a date>:D
2 minutes later
Latte hasn't came back.the two getting worried as they see the latte outside waving bye
As the bus leaves
Realizing that they are going to the restaurant together alone.
Espresso pov:
"Latte! She left it's only me and Madeleine now...she said we are going to a restaurant? Wait did she plan this?!" Espresso in deep deep thought.and looking out the window Madeleine in the other hand was also thinking the same think"latte did you plan this?!wait she knows that I like espresso did she plan this to set us up?!"both deep in thought
Not realising that they are now there at the restaurant.the bus beeped for everyone to know they are their.Madeleine and espresso get off the bus and walked to the restaurant.they went inside and ordered."did you think that latte set us up Madeleine..?"espresso asked
Not knowing Madeleine was thinking the same thing
"Yeah I was thinking same thing espresso! " As they were talking about latte setting them up the food came. After eating they paided and went back to the house.they didn't know latte was at espressos house. Espresso just knew that he will be yelling at latte.
Latte pov:
After the bus went I went to espresso house and since latte have a key she went inside"hehe ooo~maybe I'll hide to see what they do when I am not here".
No one pov:
After we got back we both went to change Madeleine was sleeping with espresso now just in case something happens or if he needs something.they both went on bed and espresso asked"Madeleine don't hug me for now when your scared you can but you aren't"espresso smiling a bit not letting Madeleine see.Madeleine being sad a frown face starts but espresso didn't see he just lay there thinking while Madeleine is closing his eyes and latte just seeing if something would happen but in the end nothing happen so she went back home.
The next morning
No one pov still:
Espresso still wide wake just went to the kitchen to make some espresso and breakfast.
Then he heard a notification to check who it is.

Latte:"hey espresso I know your mad at me for leaving you two but I had to be somewhere! Hope you won't be mad at me now."

Espresso:"iam quite mad right now but I want to know who was the person? You had to go."

Latte:"Cream puff cookie she needed help with carrying stuff and also asked more things"

Espresso:"hmm.. I'll let it out but next time don't let it happen"
Left the phone and went cooking again.
Madeleine pov:
"Good morning espre-" Madeleine saw he was not there and checked the living room no when he smelled the food he went to the kitchen to see espresso cooking.
"Good morning espresso" Said Madeleine, espresso turned around and saw made and said "good morning too Madeleine" Smiling a bit after espresso putted the food on plates and then ate.

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