home alone~?

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Their will be smut you horny hungry childs🧍‍♀️(plus me my brain is full of smut🤩)
No one pov:

Espresso got on top of Madeleine
And looked up at him and waited too see if he could bite/suck his neck and Madeleine nodded as a yes so espresso leaned into Madeleine's neck and bit into it

Leaving Madeleine moaning a bit.after espresso made alot of live bites espresso kissed Madeleine while taking off his pants while Madeleine.espresso taking off the bunny suit
(I need help😟)

After they let go of the kiss and letting Madeleine breathe espresso was still on top of Madeleine and he went near his nightstand drawer and opened it

To see it was a condom.then espresso applyed it too his member (aka dic-).while Madeleine saw he was going too get ready for it and then espresso was at his hole

Espresso looked at him too see if he will be alright if he putted his member inside of him and Madeleine nodded as yes
Then espresso went in

"AgH...it hurts.." Madeleine said grabbing the sheets of the bed
"Don't worry it won't hurt when I do this.." As espresso as he went a bit faster.

"aHh~espresso..pleasE~more.." Madeleine said holding the pillow tightly"my my~thats not my name~?whats my name"espresso said drugly

"𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙧~? " Madeleine asked while espresso stopped "no..~"
Espresso said getting more horny
"𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚? "Madeleine asked wanting espresso to touch him.

"No you know it~!" Espresso told him lifting his chin."oh~𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 isn't it~!"madeleine said laying back down knowing it is.

"Hehe good boy~" Espresso said now going faster"AhHh~please master~!"madeleine said blushing and being a moaning mess."f-faster hArdeR..~"madeleine said being the moaning mess

Espresso went slow and took it out.Madeleine was panting and asked "why did you stop.."
"Because that was round 1 onto round 2 love~" Then espresso putting Madeleine on the floor then said

"Suck now" Madeleine obeyed and sucked the two fingers.then
After Madeleine got back on the bed and Madeleine spreaded his legs revealing his hole again

Then espresso scissor and moved the fingers "mHm~" Madeleine said."let's add three fingers shall we~!"espresso told madeleine"yEs..please do~"madeleine said getting more horny

After a few seconds espresso putted the Third Finger."mmm warm..~"madeleine said as espresso thrust into him with the fingers while leaving Madeleine too moan

Then Madeleine felt something and he felt it was his stomach
He felt like he was about too cum since espresso got faster"master..i feel like am about too cum..~nghh~"madeleine told

"Mhm..you can cum..~" As that madeleine felt it then cummed on the bed.leaving it sticky(don't ask Me how I know☺) after they both pant gasping for air

"Please no more..i feel too tired..~" Madeleine said bring tried."no there Is still more just you wait kitten~"espresso said as he layed Madeleine down and sat on his member making Madeleine moan

"mMm..master so..please keep going~" As Madeleine said espresso told him"your wish will come true kitty~"

As espresso went up and down Madeleine was a mess his hair was a mess.while espresso was also moaning"nghh..~your so tight I can feel it.."Madeleine told

"Hah..sorry it's just wow..~" Espresso said as going up and down.after a few hours they're finally done Madeleine was passed out

Espresso took Madeleine too the bathtub and washed him aswell himself espresso chuckled and said "oh that was worth it wasn't it kitten~"

By the speed espresso did.and the bed was too sticky so they slept on the couch while espresso was carrying Madeleine and Madeleine being passed out

And then when they got there espresso was the big spoon and Madeleine the small spoon so they both cuddled then slept and doing the same position as yesterday but switch but then remembered that..𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙬..he tried too forget about it

But it stayed in his head but after thinking about Madeleine he fell asleep
Ok uhm idk if I should make a smut book for y'all so🧍‍♀️just ask if you guys do☺

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