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A/N:so in my other story will be long bc I would have too finish this story so wait long children 🤩and there will be fluff bc my bestie said so🤩/slightly angst;)
Madeleine's pov:

"Huh..? Where am I.." Madeleine said."Madeleine your in heaven you have been a very wise good man the divine has greeted you"heaven said.

"W-what" Madeleine said seeing that he has wings Angel wings"you may go in now or see how everyone is doing in the world "heaven said.

"I would like too see the world please"madeleine told."Alright"

{Madeleine went too EARTH}

"Hmm who should I see first since it's morning" Madeleine said looking."ooo maybe I'll see my lover~!"madeleine said going too espresso house

"Oh latte is here hmm now where is espresso.." Madeleine said looking for his lover.then he saw espresso crying."oh Lord.. My darling"Madeleine saw espresso eyes and seeing it's red.

"Madeleine...please I need you your my life the reason I slept" Espresso said"...my darling.."

{Three weeks later}Iam too lazy ok-

Pure vanilla pov:

"Hm!it's been three weeks I can get Madeleine back for espresso.espresso will be very happy too see him again I'll just ring latte too tell her" Pure vanilla said getting his phone

Pv:'hello!latte it's me pure vanilla and it has been three weeks!we can bring Madeleine back'

Latte:'oh! Right I'll tell espresso that I am going out and I'll go to your castle!'

Pv:'alright I'll see you!'
Latte pov:

"We get too bring Madeleine back!now espresso won't be despresoo{aka depress GET IT-}"

Then latte told espresso that she is going somewhere and espresso just said "ok" So latte just went out and she also asked if she can use espresso car and espresso just said"just don't crash it!"

So She went into espresso car and drove too pure vanilla castle.

{She got there}

Latte went inside of the castle and wondered where is pure vanilla's office after a few minutes she found it and knocked on the door
No one pov:

The pure vanilla opened the door then let her come inside his office.

"Alright so you can wait while I'll do the thing and also think how too surprise espresso" Pure vanilla said too latte"will do pure vanilla!"latte told

{Few a hour Madeleine is back!}
Heaven and Madeleine's pov:

"Well Madeleine it's been 5 weeks and looks like someone is bringing you back from Earth would you like to go back?" Heaven told"yes yes yes!"Madeleine said happily
Then he send him back
"What a nice boy"
Back in earth and still no one pov:

"LATTE IT WORKED COME LOOK!" pure vanilla said happily
"Huh..where..iam back! Iam back!!! YES!" Madeleine said yelling a bit and happy

"Oh Madeleine wanna join us surprising espresso?" Latte asked Madeleine "sure!iam very excited too see him!"

cliffhanger>:D muahahah

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