get sone rest...for me

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No one pov:

After eating the food they went to bed and as usual espresso just in bed not sleeping reading a book while Madeline sleeping in peace espresso looked over and petted him between his ears while reading the book.
A week later
Espresso got close to Madeleine.
Starting to like Madeleine?no he must be confused he can't fall inlove.and now espresso can work Madeleine didn't like when espresso is working..because he is always alone when espresso is working and espresso hasn't been getting sleep.Madeleine was just laying down watching the rest of titanic.he left it but went back to watching after he heard a knock he went to the door and saw latte again
"Ah hello latte!" Madeleine said smiling "hello Madeleine could I see espresso?" Latte asked
"Of course he is in his lab he hasn't been getting sleep anymore..." Madeleine said frowning a bit"I'll speak to him!telling him to get rest!"latte said knowing she can't."ok come in"Madeleine told letting her in
"I'll go to espresso lab wish me luck!" Latte said Madeleine crossed his fingers
Espresso pov:

"Mmm coffee beans...dust... Some espresso..." Espresso then hear a knock on the door thinking it's Madeleine "come in" Turning his back seeing latte
"Ah latte what brings you here?"
As espresso asked. "Just reminding you to sleep Madeleine told me you don't sleep anymore" Latte worrying
"Latte you know this sleep is not on my schedule" Espresso groans "I know espresso just get rest please?"latte put her hand into please" No latte now go get out!"
Espresso yelled
No one pov:

"ok..."latte said sadly she walked back to Madeleine "so how did it go?" Madeleine asked
"Won't sleep still...iam getting worried about him" Latte told frowning "maybe I'll try to make him sleep and ill tell you if he will?" Madeleine came with a idea"ok sure! Hope that will work"Madeleine walked to espresso lab with his ears and tail up.
Espresso and Madeleine pov:

when he got there espresso heard a creak he thought it was latte but it wasn't
"Ah latte perfect timing could u get me some-" Madeleine ran up to espresso and hugged him tightly "l-latte...?" Espresso warnly asked"no it's Madeleine... "Madeleine said.espresso being red his cheeks are red " What are you.."espresso said wondering
"Hugging there something wrong" Madeleine hugging espresso "sleep and rest for me..." Espresso being silent still being red"please..." Espresso silent Again"for me..?"Madeleine asked last one."only for you..dear-i mean Madeleine..."
Madeleine now also red
Latte went to espresso lab and see Madeleine and espresso hugging and she taken a picture
Giggling happily and knowing espresso with get sleep.latte leaving them to hug.

Espresso X MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now