day 2 started bad(🥱)

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Espresso pov:

Espresso...was crying alot as he didn't hear his lovers voice espresso had loved him alot tears..many tears were falling down he tried too stop but couldn't then heard a knock so he went too the door too see who it is

And saw it was Latte!"espresso h-"latte got cut off by espresso hugging her and tears are on her clothes latte gasped but hugged back "oh espresso what's wrong?" Latte asked "can..we talk inside...please.." Espresso said still crying "of course of course cmon" Latte went inside aswell espresso

"Now tell me" Latte wondered but also worrying "Madeleine.." Espresso trying too talk but couldn't do too the crying "hey..hey whatever it was about don't worry"latte patted his back

"It..hurts..i just wanna see him again...." Espresso told wiping his tears away but more coming "hey espresso he'll be alright I'll be here for comfort and cream puff can come!" Latte said hugging him "that...that would be amazing..thank you latts"

Espresso said giving latte a nickname latte gasped in happiness "latts!?a nickname woo!" Latte jumping while smiling but it reminded espresso of Madeleine doing that being so happy as espresso gave him a nickname...

"Anyways cmon let's go too the cafe too fresh up" Latte told getting her shoes "alright but your paying" Espresso said getting his also "whateverr now let's goooo!" Then both went too the cafe but espresso still wondering about Madeleine..
Madeleine pov:

Madeleine hated it there cleaning the house he rather do the cooking as it's more easy since he cook alot "I'm done..can I go now...?" Madeleine asked feeling tired "uhh just go cook and I guess you can go too your room" Sarah told

"Alright" Madeleine said then going too the kitchen "since I'm here I guess I can get something.." Madeleine said too himself looking for something small so the girls won't see then he found one and putted it into his pocket

And did the food "omg your soooo slow!I'm turning on the collar" Said Emily "WAIT PLEA-" Told Madeleine but got cut off by Emily turning on the collar " monster..." Said by Madeleine tears coming out

And then Emily kicked him giving him bruises and blood coming out "now do our food or else." "Yes ma'am..." Madeleine said now doing the food and after his done so went too give the food too them

"Here you two"Told madeleine giving the food "EW what the hell is this??"said sarah "medium rare steak freshly cooked and rice with lettuce..something wrong?"told Madeleine (amazing chef🥰)

"MEDIUM RARE??!" Sarah said being mad "yes-?I don't wanna say it again" Madeleine says "I WANT IT NOT THAT MEDIUM RARE GO COOK AGAIN." Sarah yelled and grabbing the shock collar

And turned it on "make it wrong again I'll put it on max you bitch." Sarah said throwing away the food "yes ma'am..ill cook right away" Madeleine says grabbing the food and having a frown

"You know you could off just kick him and turn on the collar while kicking him?" Emily gave a idea
"Oh I should've done that God" Sarah told "done your food-!" Madeleine said putting the food on the table

"Ugh you took foreverrr" Sarah said argued with it "Mhm.." Madeleine sighed and grabbed his food but then "Nuh uh none for you bitch" Sarah threw the food

"Wha- then what am I suppose too eat?!" Yelled Madeleine "uhh just have rice" Emily said eating her food "that's not enough for me!" Madeleine told "ok?then just don't eat you dumbass"
Sarah says

"...ill see what I can do for me.." Madeleine says going too the kitchen

Espresso X MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now