hah..?(little bit smut)

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No one pov:
Espresso lean in to the kitten and
Kissed but then there was fog everywhere.and there wasn't a kitten anymore...it was Madeleine!! Espresso kissed Madeleine!.espresso thought it was a kitten but no it was Madeleine.

espresso was shocked as he was kissing Madeleine but espresso seem to like it Madeleine saw and kissed bit deeper.after a few minutes they let go for some air
"Hah... That was kinda good..." Espresso said moaning quietly
"You seem to like it..."
Madeleine breathing heavily
"Yeah..." Espresso said then shaked his head then said
"Let's just go to the kitchen and make food" Said espresso
Espresso pov:

"I can't believe I kissed Madeleine...i thought it was a normal kitten..."

As they walk to the kitchen
Both thinking about what happened.Espresso went to the stove and make food for them but someone knocked on the door"Madeleine could u check the door?" Espresso said while making food."sure espresso!"
Madeleine said while walking too the door and trying not to think about how happened at the bedroom.
Madeleine pov:

"Wow I can't believe I kissed him...it felt good his lips felt like cotton candy..."
Tried to forget and went to the door
"Oh why hello latte!" Madeleine said."
"Hello Madeleine is espresso there?" Latte said while looking behide Madeleine."yep his here! Come in! " As he let's her in but she has someone with her which also let him in.
"Hii espresso~! It's latte your bestie~!!With my boyfriend!"
Latte said while showing a man who looks like a detective.

espresso turns around
And sees latte and her boyfriend and Madeleine just behide them
"Hm nice to meet you...?" Espresso waiting for a response
"Almond nice to meet u too latte told me a lot about you" Almond shaking his hand with espresso
"Nice too meet you almond"
Espresso said."okKk since you two met each I am going to talk with Madeleine!"as latte drags Madeleine and waves bye.
Almond and espresso conversation:

"Well...how did you two met?"
Espresso asked while getting the food when Madeleine and latte is done.
"We met with cream puff I think you know her or met her" Almond said
"Oh I have a question" Almond wanted to ask."oh well go on almond" Espresso said while getting espresso drink.
"Who was that boy with the ears and tail?" Almond asked while waiting for a response"oh w-well keep this a secret almond?"

espresso said
"Of course" Almond told him
"Well his a cat but also a human so human cat!" Espresso said.
"Ahhh that explains it" Almond said while he asked something else"could I have coffee if you have some I didn't had some in a while"almond asked."oh yes you may just get some coffee beans over there"espresso points where the coffee beans are
"Thank you espresso but latte and your friend has been gone for a bit"almond looked around
"Hmm what could they be doing right now..." Espresso said while almond and him trying to think

Espresso X MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now