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Y'all don't worry no more Cliffhanger in any other chapter^^or will there🧍‍♀️

espresso pov:

"Hm...what should I do..maybe more work iam left behind on work"

When he got up and clipped his cape on and walked too his laboratory.but heard a ring from...latte!


Latte:'why hello espresso could you go too the park where you and Madeleine always rest there...?'

Espresso:'hm!why should I go there?!there is no reason too go there anymore...'

Latte:'look I know you miss him but please just come too the park near the tree'

Espresso:'hmph fine but you owe me a lot of doughnuts!'

Latte:'fine by me!see you there~!'
Espresso went too the park wondering where latte asked him too come here when espresso got there he had a blindfold on him
Madeleine's pov:

Madeleine was so happy that he was going too see his lover again.and his tail and ears going happily and tail going up and down

"Iam going too see espresso again it's been like so long up there! Iam very excited"

Then he saw latte with espresso blindfolded.has he gets ready
Then latte took espresso's blindfold and then Madeleine putted his hands on espresso's eyes and said

"Guess who!" Madeleine's voice happily."h-hah I don't know..almond?pure vanilla??"espresso wondering
"Noo~" Madeleine said."take your hands off and I'll know!"espresso yelled a bit.

"Alright alright!I'll take it off~"
Madeleine said as he took off his hands.espresso stood up then turned and saw...Madeleine!.
Espresso was crying hardly happily he is seeing his lover again

Than espresso went too Madeleine hugging him tightly still crying"heh...darling don't cry iam here don't need too cry.."Madeleine saying

putting his hand on espresso's hand and rubbing his thumb too wipe the tears and tail going down because he never want too see espresso sad

"I missed you so so so much kitty....i couldn't sleep that much" Espresso said still hugging while pure vanilla and latte backing up and let them be alone.

and taking a picture so that they can pick and remember this moment.

"Well no further! Iam here now darling..ill always be here" Madeleine said still rubbing his thumb wipeing the tears.

"Yes I see you right now..but wanna see me run and see the world?" Espresso said and Madeleine wondering..

"Espresso how would you go around the world-?" Madeleine said confused "watch me" Espresso said and just walked and turning around Madeleine.

"You just went around me??" Madeleine very confused"yeah silly kitty your my world"espresso said smiling

"Oh~" Madeleine said "well how about we go home now and stay in bed"Madeleine said holding espresso hand

"Sure kitten" Espresso followed Madeleine.they got too espresso house and went upstairs and went too bed.

And Madeleine saw how espresso had eyebags" now need sleep"Madeleine said too espresso "no~... I wanna stay up with you" Espresso said

"No darling" Madeleine said demanding and espresso obeyed."but atleast can we hug while sleeping..?"espresso said blushing a bit"of course love!"Madeleine said tail and ears going up happily

A/N:ty for reading and also there might be smutty and sussy stuff when it's next chapter;)

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