finally getting out..?

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Haha🧍‍♀️sorry for the sad parts🥰🥰❤also fluff at the end since someone was helding me captured🧍‍♀️also swearing🛑
Madeleine pov:

So Madeleine went too the kitchen and seeing if there's any food for him or seeing if he could cook something for himself there was something but it was only eggs and rice since it was the only thing he may eat

Madeleine sighed but made the eggs and rice but then heard a yell and rushed all the way too the table with emily and sarah
"Something wrong-?" Asked madeleine

"OH MY GOD THIS TABLE IS SO DUSTY CLEAN IT YOU BITCH"yelled emily "I- but I cleaned it like 10 five minutes ago"madeleine told "WELL CLEAN THE TABLE AGAIN" Again yelled by emily punching his legs

"FUCKING HELL-" madeleine said in pain- "clean the fucking table bitch." Emily said putting a serious face "whatever give me a second.." Said madeleine going back too the kitchen "tch his such a disappoint"said sarah " Oh my I know right!?he can't even do something right god"
Emily said

Madeleine did his food and placed it down on the other table then grabbed a cloth and some water too wipe the dust after some time he was finished
"There..can I go now?" Madeleine asked feeling so tired

"Whatever clean the house again later" Said sarah going too the tv aswell Emily and madeleine went too the kitchen too grab his food that he made and went too his room then locked the door

"Why...why fucking me.."Cried Madeleine then said too himself
"It's alright-!it's going home soon right!" Madeleine said wiping his tears then ate his food

then heard emily yelling "HEY BITCH IT'S TIME TOO CLEAN THEN IT'S NIGHT YOU DUMBASS" emily yelled and Madeleine went downstairs
"Okok godass" Madeleine said then getting the broom and other stuff

After that it was already 6:24pm near night time his Escape "tch alright go can go too your room I guess bye bitch"said sarah and madeleine going upstairs too his room "Finally" Said madeleine then locked his room

After madeleine got out!but kinda forgot where is espresso's house so madeleine went around the kingdom couldn't find it so went too the park it clear his mind

Then saw a close friends that knew espresso but went up too them "herb sparkling vampire mint!" Yelled quietly but enough for them too hear madeleine "madeleine!what are you doing here so late?"Asked sparkling

"May asked you the same thing but do you know where espresso's house is?" Madeleine said "ah take a right than walk straight and then take a left and your there!"herb told "Thank you!also might take care of vampire-" Madeleine told

"*hic* moRe wInee plEasSe~"vampire said drunkenly "No you had enough you already drank 5 bottles!" Yelled mint but quietly "fiVe BotTlEs are noT *hic* enougHhh"
Vampire said trying too get more
Then madeleine left the four
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
Espresso pov:

He hated it being alone I mean yeah he could work and won't get annoyed but kind of hated the quiet and checked the time and saw it was 12:47am in the night he couldn't really get sleep

Then heard a text message from latte
𓃠milk lover♡:'hey espresso!'

▒no sleep▒:'what do you want'

𓃠milk lover♡:'well it's already 12:49am in the night!why not get sleep'

▒no sleep▒:'I could ask you the same why are you up at this time?'

𓃠milk lover♡:'well I've been worried about you I know it's about madeleine but I know he'll come back!'

▒no sleep▒:'..i know but now I must get too working'

𓃠milk lover♡:'whatever but please get sleeppp'
And espresso left her on read
Then got too working but half way he heard a knock on his door he might thought it was latte too tell him too sleep

So just went too the door and opened it and gasped..




Madeleine had his arms and hand up for a hug and espresso ran too his arms too hug him espresso remembered this feeling espresso was so touched but also crying a bit!

"Oh my fucking god...i missed you so much" Espresso said hugging Madeleine tightly
"Hah..i miss you so much too now don't worry I'm here...!"

Told Madeleine hugging him back " this please" Begged espresso hugging him
"Heheh of course my dear espresso" Madeleine said

Latte sighed but smiling "my my I love gays.." Latte said then getting a picture.
I did this all in school help🧍‍♀️

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