ignoring my boyfriend~

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A/N:April fools!since it's April might aswell do one been waiting for this🧍‍♀️
Madeleine pov:

Madeleine woke up early too fix his hair and get ready for the day but he realise that it was April.
He got excited since he gets top prank espresso!

So he thinks of some he could do.
He thought he should do a water prank but he knew that would be too obvious but thought of one

He thought he should ignore espresso for the whole day Madeleine knew it was quite mean as espresso does call him alot but it's April!so Madeleine could do it(sus "Madeleine could do it" 👁👁)

After that he'll just cook and wait for espresso.
_____⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇______
Espresso pov:

Espresso woke up too the smell of food and coffee his favorite so he went off of bed and got changed then went to the kitchen

"Morning kitty" Espresso told yawning but Madeleine still didn't respond still cooking
Espresso thought it was weird

Since Madeleine talks alot but this day he didn't espresso didn't care for now.then the food was ready so Madeleine just took some plates and put it on the table

It was very silent the only thing they could hear is the food kids playing outside and the cars so espresso though he could do some 'small talk'

"Soo..how are you?" Espresso asked madeleine still being quiet
And kept eating espresso knew something was up but still didn't knew(check the date and you will know🧍‍♀️)

But then both of them finished their dish and put it in the dishwasher and madeleine just went outside leaving espresso confused

"What's going on with him.." He said too himself but then he wanted too check on that potion that just randomly popped up
So he went too the laboratory

So then espresso was in the laboratory checking very close at the potion knowing it's a switch or a death but it's only one of that

So as that espresso was looking at the potion very closely and trying too know which one it is
Madeleine pov:

Madeleine thought it was the greatest idea he ever thought of!
But also thought it was quite mean so he decided too go on a walk

Because theirs not that many things too do at home.And then he saw latte!"Madeleine!how are you?"latte asked

"Perfectly fine but I'm pranking espresso" I told back"ooo what prank!"latte said "well it's not really a prank but ignoring him for 24 hours"

"Well did he check the date?I mean it's April first!" Latte told
"Don't think so but I'm going too the park right now" I said

"Hm alright see you Madeleine!" Latte said walking away And I waved bye.then went too the park

I got at the park and saw alot of people.the people were fishing,talking too eachother,taking a walk

And many other things!but Madeleine knew he'll stay just for a bit.
༶•┈┈    25 minutes later       ┈┈•༶
Madeleine saw it was getting quite late so went home
After he got home.He just saw espresso at the table

"Madeleine we need too talk.."
Espresso said but I couldn't speak so just sat down
Espresso sighed and said

"𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙪𝙥.."

That shook Madeleine so much he started too cry..but he couldn't say anything but decided too stop the ignoring espresso

"Why?!" I told back starting too cry "you've been ignoring me the past hours.." Espresso said
"It was a prank...im sorry" I said

"One more thing I wanna say tho" Espresso told back standing up

"You got pranked!!"

Espresso told laughing so much!
"That was too far essy-" I said trying too stop crying "yes I knew sorry dearest"

And espresso kissed Madeleine
Then after they went out too a cafe and ate.after they both went home and slept
Hope you guys enjoyed it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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