{first met}

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As usual espresso was in his lab doing coffee experiences he forgot to get a special ingredient so he had to go outside.
Espresso pov:

"I don't wanna go outside but I need to do this experience..." Espresso only has been out 2-5 times people usually never see him. He putted on his cape and walked outside
"finally I got it now I can go back inside and do the experience"that's what he thought but someone approached him. Espresso felt someone touch his cape.

Espresso saw the boy who had ears..? No animal ears?! Espresso looked at the boy who had blonde hair animal ears and a tail. The boy asked" Hello I don't really have a place to live but is it ok if I live with u for a bit..? "
Espresso bitty as he is he decided not to The boy was sad went back where he was before

as that espresso went back to his house
Madeleine pov:
Madeleine saw how the man walked the other way to go somewhere?"hmm... Maybe I'll follow him? I mean what could happen!"he followed the man to lead to his house "wow.. His house is nice" But than he heard footsteps he turned around and saw a girl.a girl just like man

She walked to him and asked
"Hm? Who's this?" She gasp because she has never saw a boy with cat ears."Oh my bad my name is latte! What's your name? "As she said" My name is Madeleine do you know the man who lives here?."Yes I do his name is espresso!"Madeleine thought about the

name"espresso... That name sounds so nice..."Latte knocked the door while Madeleine was behind her.
Latte pov:
Madeleine seem so nice but why and how did he know where espresso is?. Espresso opened the door and saw latte"oh why hello latte what brings you here?"as espresso said. " well I bought some doughnuts your favorite!!"
"Hmmm.. Sure come in"as espresso let her in but latte

stoped." I bought a friend with me if you don't mind?"latte asked"Mhm sure.."as espresso groans.Madeleine was now not behide latte espresso didn't see him in still they were inside.
No ones pov:
Espresso saw the boy and asked latte"uhm latte why is he here?"
"Well Madeleine as his name wanted to... What did u wanna do again?" Well trying to find a place to live"espresso was wondering how did Madeleine know where he lives.after a bit latte and Madeleine was begging for Madeleine to stay here

all espresso could hear is"please!!" After a few long please he gave up. Madeleine smiled wide as well latte after they all ate the doughnuts latte left. Leaving them alone together it was awkward for a bit after Madeleine asked"so where am I going to sleep? "Espresso told him" You can sleep on the couch I'll just get you some blankets.."

Espresso said.Madeleine asked if he will sleep as well espresso was surprised by him asking him that but of course the espresso never gets sleep so he said"no"
Madeleine was also surprised and asked why?"
I just don't get sleep because I need to do work"espresso said. Madeleine didn't mind as he stayed up before

Espresso turned off the light leaving Madeleine in the dark
Now all Madeleine can hear is coffee drewing and his breathing
Madeleine slept but what he forgot is that he sleep talks.
He was saying some stuff about his last owner. Espresso heard it even from his own room
Espresso pov:

Espresso walked to the living room and heard Madeleine whimpering and saying stuff.
Espresso didn't want to wake him up so all he did was petting his head trying to calm him down.As that Madeleine was now not whimpering nor sleep talking

"Mhmm.. He is ok now I'll now go back to my work."as espresso left he felt Madeleine touch him. Madeleine said" Don't go sleep with me..."as he groan."I won't let go"as Madeleine said.espresso needed to do his work but as Madeleine said he"won't let go"
So he went in the couch laying down with him Madeleine left asleep while espresso didn't. Espresso did feel sleepy tho his eyes closing slowly

after all they can hear is their breathingMadeleine hugged espresso but espresso didn't know.as in the morning what will happen next.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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