the reveal of the mystery

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A/N:SNIFF well😭this is angst😔I'll repay you my children with fluff or something 😭😭

The mystery pov:

So the people who wrote the note and saw everything was named
Sarah emily

They were the last owners of Madeleine they treated Madeleine so bad they abused him they wanted him back as too be their maid but they would still abuse him

"Why did we give them one week" Asked sarah annoyingly
"Because we can make them be more stressed out" Emily told
"Whatever so we're making him our maid but we're gonna abuse him?" Sarah said

"Duh why wouldnt we?plus that's the plan you trashbag" Emily told "tch well they would have too deicide soon" Sarah told
Smirking "and he'll be ours!hah"

"But that other boy..he seems rather very very close too Madeleine" Emily asked "I mean they fucked they're very close??"
Sarah told back feeling like a genius

"True but he also seems rather smart like he can come up with a plan too get Madeleine out.." Emily told "well then we will put many cameras and lock the doors" Sarah said back still feeling like a genius

"We better come up with a plan if he gets out" Sarah also told
"Hmm we should now let's make the plan" Emily said
Madeleine and espresso pov:

Cuddling.both of them were being a couple!they were inlove so inlove but it's going too end soon as the mysterious people might ruin it espresso still didn't tell Madeleine as he wanted him not not stress just like espresso himself

So he kept it and still cuddling eachother "ah!your so warm and fuzzy!" Madeleine said happily cuddling tightly "stop cuddling me your crushing me!" Espresso told Angerily "I'm sorry essie!it's just your so fuzzy and adorable"

Madeleine said not cuddling tightly anymore "ok but I may have you to tell you something.."
Espresso told telling madeleine the secret "of course do tell me" Madeleine wanting too know

"Well you know when we did 'it'-?" Espresso said and madeleine nodded as a yes "well someone saw I guess we didn't close the Curtains...." Espresso said looking away

Madeleine silent he was quite shocked and he didn't know what too say "and uhm..we only have 1 week until if they put it everywhere or they're gonna get you..." Espresso said crying a bit

"I- dear it'll be alright we may make a plan or something-!" Madeleine trying too make espresso happy and not wanting him too worry

"Ok we can make a plan...!" Espresso told wiping his tears
"Alright so in the first day I'll try too not act suspicious when it's day 4 I'll sneak out of their house" Madeleine told feeling quite proud

"But what if they have cameras or locking the doors..?" Espresso said still wiping his tears "then I'll try too find like keys or a lockpick" Madeleine smiling
"Alright maddie I trust you...."

Espresso said and now both hugging "love you so much maddie" Espresso hugged tightly
"Love you too dearly" Madeleine told hugging back
Sorry if it's short<D but still angst👹 will happen 👹

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