the bedroom-!?

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A/N:Theres gonna be smut in the next chapter~also a surprise at the end~!🛑btw swearing 🛑
Espresso pov:

I woke up and checked the time
It was 6:37am woke up too early I guess- but went up too do my morning routine.

I got dressed then went too the kitchen too make some coffee
My mind is only thinking of coffee and maybe a bit of madeleine-

After that I drank my coffee and went too my laboratory too check the potion,I got there and went on to work

Then i now knew it was a safe potion so might try it later with Madeleine since the note said "𝓽𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭~"

So might aswell.then went too make food for me and Madeleine so I head too the kitchen
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Madeleine pov:

Woke up too the smell of coffee
And got up too see espresso at the kitchen making food "morning dearest!" I told

"Good morning how was your sleep?" Espresso asked "very nice and fluffy"I said back
"Very well I'm cooking so go too the table and wait" Espresso said and I just nodded as a ok

Went to the table and waited then after 8 minutes espresso was done cooking "here you go eat up" Espresso told me while giving me the food

Then both of us finish eating but espresso asked me something..
"Hey I found something and wanted too try it with you"

"Hm? Alright!" I said so espresso went too his laboratory and got what he was getting for.
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No one pov:

Espresso gave Madeleine the potion and both drank it(btw a friend gave me a idea so👹)

Smoke came out and filled the room and leaving Madeleine and espresso coughing and then..

"WHAT" espresso yelled out..looking at his body and then hair and Madeleine seeing he doesn't have a tail and ears did they switch!(yes ofc they did a friend idea)

"What the fuck-"said espresso
"Am I a human-??" Madeleine asked confused "ok I'm not going out I'm staying in the laboratory" Espresso told Madeleine and going there

"Nope were getting help plus you look adorable!" Madeleine said too espresso leaving espresso blushing"whatever..lets just get this done with"espresso said

"Alright!here have a hoodie if you really don't want anyone too see" Madeleine said giving a hoodie "it's summer tho I'll be dying in that hoodie-" Espresso told

"True than I guess you have too show everyone that we switched!" Madeleine said too espresso happily "I swear if latte sees this I'll slice her throat" Espresso said smiling

"Ok- cmon let's go!" Madeleine told and espresso went outside aswell Madeleine


Both was outside looking for anyone that has experienced potions but what do you know latte was outside!

"Oh shit latte is here HIDE ME" espresso told going the back of Madeleine "it's latte she won't react!" Madeleine told

"No she would." Espresso said still behind Madeleine "Madeleine?" Latte went up too them "Hello latte!how are you" Madeleine told"where is your-?"latte said confused

"A very long story" Madeleine told "Oh well where's espresso you two always go outside together~!" Latte asked

"His behind me!" Madeleine told
Espresso was scared and mad-
"Heyy-" Espresso told latte was very quiet so espresso grabbed Madeleine and ran

But when they ran latte was screaming excitedly for some reason"why the fuck did you do that now latte is gonna tell everyone."espresso told

"I'm sorry but I always have too tell the truth!" Madeleine said back"whatever cmon let's find something so we can go back too normal."espresso said
Then both found alchemist and asked if she knew anything about it

"Well you guys just have too wait but if you guys want it too be faster both of you have too drink this potion 3 times a day"
Alchemist said and gave the potions

"3 times!?" Madeleine told
"Yes 3 times I don't wanna repeat myself" Alchemist said back"sorry about him"espresso told

"It's alright now get out as I'm busy" Alchemist said pushing them out "quite rude..-" Espresso said was their outside of alchemist house

"Well shall we go home?" Madeleine asked "yeah let's go before someone else sees" Espresso said and both going home

When they were passing by they both got looks and people looking but none of them cared and went home

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Both got home and went too bed.
However Madeleine stroke espresso's tail.and leaving espresso moaning a bit

"Seem too like it ay~?might aswell have more" Madeleine said being dominated






(HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER>:DDONT WORRY I'LL REPAY YOU MY CHILDREN WITH ✨SMUT✨👹SO DON'T WORRY also making a new story soon so I'll finish this book first and then I'll do a new book and might make a other book of this so story 2 of this~)

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