its ok espresso...

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A/N:ty for 300 something reads btw I only posted this like a week a ago🤩AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE LOVED🧍‍♀️(btw there is fluff and angst😔)

Espresso pov:

"No no are the reason I get sleep from you...iam going to miss you kitten.."

Espresso ran out of pure vanilla office while crying tears falling from his face.then he heard his phone ringing

"Heyy it's me latte~how you doin-"

"O-oh latte hello!why did you call me?"

"Espresso...why do I hear sniffles and your breath getting heavy.."

"It's nothing no need to worry latte"

"No no I know something is wrong iam going to your house espresso"




Latte pov:

"I know when espresso is sad I knew I should of came too comfort him" Latte said to herself

Then latte heard footsteps and looked up too see a man crying and it was espresso coming up too her

" look horrible let's go inside and I make you something" Latte said getting inside as well espresso.

"Hey- where's Madeleine espresso?" Latte said but then she saw espresso crying when he heard Madeleine's name

"Did madeleine...oh espresso iam so sorry" Latte said walking to espresso and hugging him

"It's not your fault it's ok latte.." Espresso said hugging back
"I just miss him so so much latte as you know he was the love of my life the reason I wake up...i just wanna see him latte" Espresso said crying once again

" know he will watch over you since he loves you so so so much he knows that he already miss you and I know that he'll be thinking of you espresso" Latte said too espresso

"Mm ok.." Espresso said"could we get something too eat now?"espresso told latte
"Oh! Yes what would you like?" Latte said going to the kitchen with espresso "hmm I'll just have

A sandwich" Espresso said sitting back down.

{After a few minutes}{we're not going too watch espresso eat🧍‍♀️}

"Alright you can go to your bed and I'll sleep on the couch!" Latte said."your staying here?"espresso said wondering why"yep! Iam staying here because you might need something so I'll be staying here for a while!ok?"latte said telling espresso.

"Alright I'll get you a blanket.."
Espresso said to get a blanket for latte afterwards he gave it"alright espresso good night get good sleep!"latte says saying good night again too espresso
Then espresso nodded as a yes

Then she heard a ring from her phone and saw it was pure vanilla

Latte:yes pure vanilla?this is my first time texting you-

Pure vanilla:haha yes it is and I would like too tell you something about Madeleine.

Latte:go on pure vanilla

Pure vanilla:well espresso didn't want too hear the good news and I'll tell you it Madeleine can be back in three weeks from my staff and bring him back and I was wondering if you wanna surprise espresso?

Latte:oo that seems harsh but I'll do it!

Espresso pov:

Espresso went back to his room an jumped on bed. "The bed sheets smells like him..ill maybe sleep of Madeleine's side so I can think he is with me.." Espresso instead went too madeleine's side too lay there.

"wait his clothes..ill wear it too sleep better I guess.."espresso got put of the bed and went too madeleine's side too see his clothes and espresso picked one shirt.

"His shirt is so big-"espresso said seeing how big it is then he went too bed thinking about madeleine being with him

He was the reason espresso slept
The reason he was going to live
The reason he found love
The reason he will live..

"I love you my kitten come back for me I miss you my love.."

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