my my..-

767 11 50

A bit Smut😳,swearing,fluff🥰,moaning😳,and more don't forget everything Emily sarah do is fake
Madeleine pov:

Both got inside as it got cold espresso went too the kitchen aswell Madeleine then espresso got his coffee beans too make his favorite coffee too drink as he did he went too grab a water for Madeleine

"Thank you!"Madeleine said smiling happily then drank the water while espresso looked at him for a bit blushing a bit then giving a small smile after that
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
Espresso pov:

Espresso had his favorite coffee drinking it giving him more energy too stay wake and spend time with the love of his life after then both got too the couch too relax a bit

It was quiet for a bit until espresso said something "so who was the person." Espresso asked with a serious face "well it was two girls named Emily and sarah" Madeleine replied and espresso being shocked

"I- I never heard that names since middle school" Espresso said back to him "really?do tell me more" Madeleine wanting too know drinking more of his water

"Well in middle school in grade 5 Emily and sarah were the popular kids aswell with some girls and boys everyone knew they were the worse because they would walk over you or talk  shit about you here let me say the story"
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Espresso pov:

Espresso got his books out of his locker and saw the popular kids
Espresso hated them as they were very very worst being popular but also feared many people were feared from them but espresso wasn't

"HEY the popular queens are here MOVE AWAY THE HALLS" One boy yelled and everyone moved letting the girls walk
"I don't get it why their so popular" Espresso said talking too latte

"I know right!they're popular but feared and those two girls Emily and sarah I heard they were smashing a girls head near the bathroom stalls" Told latte looking back at the people walking along the halls

"Yeah..cmon let's go too class now" Espresso said fixing his glasses then walking too class and latte following then both got the history class and saw the popular kids espresso didn't fear them as he didn't see what's in them

"Hello class today were going talk about the tea knight!the one and only tea knight who fought many dragons" The teacher said
"Sarah!take away your chewing gum" The teacher also said having a dead stare

"Whateverr"Sarah said taking her gum away "tch I can't stand that girl!she's too quirky and weird as fuck"Espresso told latte
"Yeah I know but let's listen" Latte said and espresso just nodded as a yes
End of flashback
Madeleine pov:

"Wow.."Madeleine said "Mhm anyways can we please cuddle we haven't for a long ass time.." Espresso plead "heheh of course!come here!" Madeleine said grabbing espresso on his lap too cuddle

"Warm.." Espresso told cuddling tightly and Madeleine just rubbing espresso's back too smooth his lover then after a few hours Madeleine gotten sleepy so asked espresso

"Can we go too very tired we can cuddle there"
"Yesyes sure let's go" Espresso said going too the bedroom

After then both got in bed Madeleine wanting too sleep as he had a long ass day of being with abusers (again no hate too people named Emily and sarah)
But espresso had a other plan
Espresso went too Madeleine's neck and gave light kisses

But then gave hickeys and Madeleine did a small moan
"Horny-" Said Madeleine but then gave a other moan as espresso gave a other hickey

"no more..sleep" Madeleine said but espresso didn't listen and kept giving hickeys until espresso hitted Madeleine's sweet spot

Until espresso did hitted his lover sweet spot "a-ah..~" Madeleine moaned louder "aww..!aren't you a horny one" Espresso teased then kissed him on the lips

And Madeleine gasped so espresso putted his tongue in madeleine's mouth is leaving no spot untouch "mm...~" Madeleine moaned again

And went on..and on for quite a long time

Espresso X MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now